Chancellor Kremlin
Mildly Dipped

OK, so I realise this is a long shot as it requires someone (or people) with some patience to help me/guide me along some scripting issues.
This is the first time I have tried to edit any Fallout 2 scripts, and im currently using Restoration Project 2.1. What I am aiming to do is create a random encounter in the game map with a character (or characters) in which I can engage in dialogue. I also want to experiment with moving the character(s) about on that particular map, eg starting at one end of the map, then being in another etc.
I have tried reading scripts for characters I know do the above (eg when talking to Westin about cattle and then being 'taken' to the pastures) and so forth, but the script is so complicated I can't tell which lines are involved with 'teleporting' the player.
I am using FSE to 'see' the scripts (decompile and compile, not sure) - and even then I am having trouble using it as a lot of it seems quite complicated.
Like I said, I know its a long shot asking for this much help, but I would be very grateful if anyone would volunteer to help me out in writing this script (or at least shedding some light on it so that I may eventually do it myself - kind of like tutoring).
Many thanks.
This is the first time I have tried to edit any Fallout 2 scripts, and im currently using Restoration Project 2.1. What I am aiming to do is create a random encounter in the game map with a character (or characters) in which I can engage in dialogue. I also want to experiment with moving the character(s) about on that particular map, eg starting at one end of the map, then being in another etc.
I have tried reading scripts for characters I know do the above (eg when talking to Westin about cattle and then being 'taken' to the pastures) and so forth, but the script is so complicated I can't tell which lines are involved with 'teleporting' the player.
I am using FSE to 'see' the scripts (decompile and compile, not sure) - and even then I am having trouble using it as a lot of it seems quite complicated.
Like I said, I know its a long shot asking for this much help, but I would be very grateful if anyone would volunteer to help me out in writing this script (or at least shedding some light on it so that I may eventually do it myself - kind of like tutoring).
Many thanks.