Hello everyone . I want to change my Fallout 2 game for better balance. For instance i am not quite happy with the merchants sells. For example I found it too unrealistic to sell 400 bullets of some type. This is just not post apocalyptic enough for my taste and I found it bit corny. So my point is to edit the inventory . Also I want to completely remove Power Armor from any merchants in the game. I don't find it convincing. For example remaining of Brotherhood of Steel had just barely one Power Armor in their installation , but somehow merchants in San Fran sometimes sells PA like just an generic item. I would understand if the PA is Scavenged Power Armor similar to Fallout New Vegas but to sell PA just like that is something that is not very good in my opinion. I search here and there for scripting but I did not found any complete guide on HOW-TO change merchant script.
I want to alter this changes for my personal use so please dont start bashing me for "Balance of FO2 is already perfect." I dont say it is not good I just don't feel challenging enough now.
I want to alter this changes for my personal use so please dont start bashing me for "Balance of FO2 is already perfect." I dont say it is not good I just don't feel challenging enough now.