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ur in deep shit..i never like getting into those tough knots meself..though that'sbecuz im growing old ;)

Answers are already floating arnd...
:wink: If you killed Crocket from the Hub you can't get the hardened power armor.If you killed the Shi you can't get the fuel.
Shrike said:
I forgot to mention this, but San Francisco is a ghost town too. They didn't like me hacking into the emperor computer illegally I guess.

I talked to Badger, and he said he stole the fuel, but it just isn't there. :?

Y0ur f00ck1ng 5c13nc3 5k1ll d1dn't m4tch the r30,u1r3m3nt5...
Frank, just a friendly warning. L33t talk isn't very much regarded in here, even though you do it to be funny (especially since you seem to do it everytime you want to be funny).
Right, well do it somewhere else.. L33t talk will only get you a thrashing by some of the members and admins.
But of corse =) you made the law and it will be followed ;) and also I'll prove that I didn't post L33r for spamming

Gue55 1 hav3 b331ng fly1ng w1th 50m3 5UXX0r1ng J3t 5h333t 0r 50m3th1ng l1k3 that...can't r3m3mb3r...

3D1T: N0 wa1t! 1'v3 b33n tak1ng s0m3 fuck1ng gamma gul4 b33r! L00k 1'm gl0w1ng!

Just describing what that stuff could do to you :D

Y3aH and 1'm 1n da fuck1ng h3av3n t00!!! 1f y0u f0r s0m3 t01l3t 5401l 5h0uldn't b3l13ve m3, th3n ju5t l00k ab0v3 my 5heetfac3 l00k1ng h3ad!

Again, just describing what it means to have a ring over your head :D

4h 1'm 0nc3 m0r3 f0rc3d t0 r34d th3 typ1c4l 4r0g4nc3 0f 5w3d15h d3f3nd3r5...

It's fact nothing to do about ;)

So that must have been all of it.
Y0ur f00ck1ng 5c13nc3 5k1ll d1dn't m4tch the r30,u1r3m3nt5...

Do you mind repeating that in English? I don't know if I was insulted or if you were explaining why the fuel wasn't there. :)
do us a favour can any1 help and tell me what on earth the 3 step plasma transformer does which you get in gecko when you swap the snapon toolbox!!
im at me witts end and there is no mention of it in the items pages in this site. If its there then im going blind.
I couldn't figure out what to do with the plasma transformer either so I threw it away. My guess is that it either goes in the car or the plasma rifle. How you put it in, I have no idea.
You can give it to Scooter and get 1 free weapons upgrade, not that i did that, you can get free weapon upgrades in New Reno.
Right, this thread has gotten out of subject.

Everyone now should know we don't like l33t talk in here, and it's good to see that so many agree with us.
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