Herve keeps filing at those prison bars

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In yet another form 8-K filing to SEC, Interplay has announced a deal selling their only valuable intellectual property apart from Fallout:<blockquote>Interplay Entertainment Corp. (the "Company") has entered into an agreement on April 25, 2005 effective April 19, 2005 with Snowblind Studios, Inc. ("Snowblind") pursuant to which Snowblind receives an exclusive license to the "Dark Alliance" trademark under certain conditions for the purpose of making non Massively Multiplayer video games.</blockquote>Perhaps we shall see how much money Herve Caen raked in with the selling of this title and the Fallout non-MMORPG license and how much he re-invested into Ballerium (and FOOL?) when he finally licenses the late 10-K form.

Note how this is yet another deal in which Interplay keeps the right to making MMOGs, which makes it very likely that they're planning to produce a Fallout MMORPG and a (non-D&D?) BG:DA MMORPG somewhere in the (near) future.

Link: Form 8-K filing on sec.gov
Dark Alliance MMORPG? OMFG teh koolest gaem evar!!!1

What other licenses does IPLY have left, anyway? Earthworm Jim, Kingpin? Do they still own the rights to Freespace?
Now who would give them the money to produce not one, but two MMORPGs in the near future?

PS: Nice pun btw.
I figure the Frenchman will sell those before visiting Carceri.

Splitting the standalone and the MMO isn't really a ploy on trying to remain solvent, it's more of a buying of time.

For his sake, though, he'd better hope someone's actually willing to buy.
snowconehead said:
I'd think Freespace would be a pretty valuable IP.

Kingpin, FreeSpace and Earthworm Jim are all IPs that lost most of their value. They all have (multiple) elements making them worthless, amongst which is that they're too old, that they're out-played and/or that their type of game doesn't sell anymore.

They're not worthless, but they're not worth as much as Fallout or DA.
figuring at this rate herve is gona sell himself to sex slavery for some MMOG building money :D