Hey Teatime, where did DAC go?

I see you guys are having huge trouble with webhosting.

I honestly recommend GoDaddy as they haven't given me any bullshit yet, and I actually HOST "copyright infringing" software.

They always call you to ask how your server is doing, and overall they're a fantastic company.

I'll be sure to e-mail JJTek sometime soon and make them feel "more informed". *

*: DAC will not be mentioned. The e-mail is for stupidity purposes only. All damage caused is responsible to DarkLegacy.

Dark Legacy
I host with doorhost.net

They're extramly reliable and offer good customer service - check out their forums for examples of this :)
So anyone know any lawyers who would be willing to shoot these morons an email?

Further to your telephone call today, I am afraid we have now been advised that we would be breaking the law by allowing you to download the numerous copyrighted files you have placed on our server. This includes downloads using ftp. The files are not in one folder, but are in many different locations spread around within your site's root folder. We therefore have no alternative but to delete the whole site from our servers. We can leave your database on the server and allow you access to back it up once we have deleted the other files.
King of Creation said:
So anyone know any lawyers who would be willing to shoot these morons an email?

I don't think an email is enough, some one should fire off something with a little more kick at those morons.
My focus at the moment is salvaging what we can. If I find out we've lost something, there's a law firm I "deal with" (so to speak) who I can have a talk to. I want to get DAC back up first and have a full assessment of what's happened before I do though. Lawyers can be fun but expensive to play with, even when they've got friendly discounts. It's also a matter of what law this comes under. Presumably UK law which could mean a UK law firm would be better rather than one in Australia. We'll see.

By the way, the hosting offer was free provided we had the "JJTek Hosting" ads. Their complaint appears to now be two pronged.
1. We breached the agreement by offering downloads.
2. Apparently everything bar the forums and wiki were considered copyright material.

See the news post about this on NMA for some more.
Sounds to me that they figured out that you guys are hosting the downloads on the same server and decided it stole too much bandwidth and just wanted you out.

The whole copyrighted stuff is bullshit, as the patches and such as a common thing to host. The only thing is the quicktime movie trailers, which I'm afraid might be a violation but they are streaching it to the max.

That specific law/rule was put in place by lots of hosting companies to prevent them from getting sued by other companies, we are of course talking about pirated warez and not patches for a game.