hi res vs sf


First time out of the vault

I have just installed fallout 2 and the new version of "restoration patch". Works fine, but being a newbie in that area, I have a question. In the game options - clicking "scrn" - there is a "hi res" and a "sfall" tab. Both have resolution settings. So I guess they should be the same or not... or they work separately?
Also noticed I can't turn the game to 16 bit mode, it always flips back to 8 mode when I restart. And what is that "GPU blitting" option?

Probably those questions were asked before and believe me I was searching for those answers in the readme files and faqs but no luck.

So, could anybody please explain me why these two mods (I assume that there is the "hi res" mod and the "sfall" mod both built in the "restoration patch") have their own resolution settings?




Could anybody briefly explain me what first resolution setting affects and what does the other one?

Thank you in advance for ANY answer

Increasing the resolution in the hi-res patch allows you to see more of the game at one time. Sfall's graphic modes on the other hand scale what you can see up to a higher resolution and also allows you to play in a window.
The two can work well together. If setting the hi-res patch to your monitors res makes things appear to small you can choose a smaller res then scale the rest of the way using sfall. eg. for a 1920x1200 monitor you can get good results setting the hi-res patch to 960x600 and sfall to Fullscreen and 1920x1200.
Gpu blitting make thing work faster if you have a graphics card that supports it (most cards do).
Sfall also convert the game to 32bit colour which is why the hi-res patch colours revert to 8bit when you use one of sfalls graphic modes.