Hidden info in Fallout manual


Carbon Dated and Proud
While going through the Fallout manual (the PDF version) I noticed that there actually were text behind the "sticky" notes in the manual, here's a funny one:
Progressive trailers mostly noisily perused umpteen botulisms. One chrysanthemum extremely annoyingly marries quixotic Klingons.
Five putrid Macintoshes gossips, because two televisions grew up.
One irascible sheep easily sacrificed five Klingons, and the trailers perused Tokyo. Poisons grew up.
Five televisions gossips. Umpteen partly putrid elephants tastes one almost silly sheep, because chrysanthemums abused five very quixotic botulisms, and Quark incinerated two tickets, even though one orifice partly lamely towed pawnbrokers, yet Santa Claus you can move many llamas into arranging all of the primary statistics.
This was under sticky on page 25 :D

Sticky in page 4, regarding General info:
While we hope that peace will prevail and the need for such from the ground up to provide the best chance for a good life following nuclear armageddon. It is the duty of every American citizen to learn and use the skills necessary for a comfortable Vault life. The best place to start is with a dek and if you try to read this than you.
Sticky in page 61, regarding the pipboy:
Use it to remember everyone’s birthday’s and anniversaries so that you Elephants marries Afghanistan. Five Jabberwockies perused one wart hog, although the trailer marries almost silly aardvarks, and five partly angst-ridden sheep tickled Tokyo, however two wart hogs lamely kisses Afghanistan, yet the obese trailer g o s s i p s . and it is a very useful tool for scheduling meetings and appointments.
Sticky in page 91, rearding equipment:
We have ensured that all of your rebuilding needs will be covered //s: Yeah, right. Who wrote this? What budget did they get? We already used most of the equipment on failed attempts to contact an outside civilization. And we’ve been in here a lot longer than ten years. We have little left to give you, but we will give you what we can. -O// undergone extensive testing to make sure the equipment is reliable.
:o That sounds like a mad lib gone through a psychotic loop with some Star Trek references. Maybe someone stayed up late creating the .pdf file for the manual and slipped that in there in the midst of their sleep deprived insanity. Good stuff :ok:
I noticed that there was text below those sticky notes in the physical FO1 manual, but I had no way of finding out what it was until now. :D
Hey Odin, what made you read through the Fallout manual all of a sudden? :wink: I like to give them a read once in a while just for kicks.
I noticed it years ago, but still funny Odin.


I especily found the overseer note 'yeah right' to be quite amusing.
ahem...if you click submit, it will post it even if it takes forever to load the page...if you click submit again in the same window, it will double post. :D Just so you know. :oops:

edit: thanks for the link Odin :wink: ...how is progress coming on that? Care for any help filling in remaining sections? *pulls out trusty FO1 & FO2 guides*
Janeus said:
How did you see them there?
It's all a matter of trying to copy the text, ie select the text.

Edge386 said:
edit: thanks for the link Odin :wink: ...how is progress coming on that? Care for any help filling in remaining sections? *pulls out trusty FO1 & FO2 guides*
Almost done with the FO manual, just need to format the text and insert the art. Things like this take time tho..
i guess this is annoying for you mods. i hate 33k. thanks for telling me before my stupid modem would tell me.
Odin said:
Almost done with the FO manual, just need to format the text and insert the art. Things like this take time tho..

Aye, aye...looking good so far. When it's finished we can direct the newbs lacking a manual (of any sort for some strange reason) to it.

janeus said:
i guess this is annoying for you mods. i hate 33k. thanks for telling me before my stupid modem would tell me.

Actually, I don't see why it would be a problem for them since you fixed it, no biggie for anyone to blow up over IMO. :)
Edge386 said:
Aye, aye...looking good so far. When it's finished we can direct the newbs lacking a manual (of any sort for some strange reason) to it.

Yup, even though they should have the manual (since it's on the cd)..
Progressive trailers mostly noisily perused umpteen botulisms. One chrysanthemum extremely annoyingly marries quixotic Klingons.
Sounds like the stuff they add onto the end of e-mails to try to bypass spam filters. :D
hahaha, real phun :D

I saw there was text beneath the stickers aome time, but as my manual is translated to norwegian(not the PDF one) I thought it had something to do with that so I didn't try to read it :roll:
Funny stuff, Odin. Perhaps they wanted to reference the "fake" entries in the Wasteland Paragraph book somehow?

(Hey guys, what's with the Wasteland-Fallout mod???)

I remember making a prop for an RPG where I wanted to partially cover text with blood drops. But on slow computers, the text'd be visible as the blood gfx loaded, so eventually, i had to blur it a bit ... ;)
OMG Odin I love this!

Just another grand example of all the wonderful odditties in the Fallout universe...I remember reading the overseer part too! As for the Mad Libs though...quite weird!

Someone loved putting that together.

The Vault Dweller
Pip in.

A mystery explained is then no mystery at all.

+Spoiler below+

The text on page 25 and 61 are Jabber. From this exact wording ( I use this practically every week for a project set up) you can tell the manual was created in Quark, probably Quark 3 tad too early for 4, and the extension called Jabberwoky allows you to add 'Jabber' to a text box to see what it will look like when filled with text. So you can change font size and letter spacing to make it look just so.

And I agree with you all, it fits the Fallout style just so.

Pip out.