Hidden section


Carbon Dated and Proud
Well for those of you who haven't figured out where the easter egg/hidden section of the FBos site is, click on the left screw in the lower left corner and voila some concept art images..
amazing! this concept art vaguely resembles Fallout. almost as if Chuck had nothing to do with it. i guess he saw it and decided it wasn't crappy enough to be used in the final game.
Vaguely, but still misses the style points and also makes changes for the sake of changes rather than material to fit into the setting.

There's a thread about it here. I also must note that they used Fallout Boy (like PIPBoy, but slightly different and wearing a Vault suit) for a Big Boy- like mascot. They also used him (with clothing change) for a bowling alley mascot.

But if you take a look at that concept art, all that is missing from that vault suit is the colors.

The ghouls were ripped off from a number of other sources, and the DeathClaws were skullfucked, yet again.

Heh, that's true... Few people even know wtf a Deathclaw is, specially on the console scene... WTF do they need to change it?

The ghouls are depressing. So cliche.
Rosh, I belive you have to start writing some editorials we can show the world. Oh and Chuckie rejected my interview, said I was only out to bash FPos... I think he would have managed to do that himself tho, I'm only the messanger :lol:
Odin said:
Rosh, I belive you have to start writing some editorials we can show the world.

That might be a good idea, and so we can also share it with PC Gamer and other magazines as well.

Oh and Chuckie rejected my interview, said I was only out to bash FPos... I think he would have managed to do that himself tho, I'm only the messanger :lol:

Seriously, I doubt anyone could make it any worse than he has.
What an idiot...

The 2 biggest Fallout fansites on the 'net and he refuses to cooperate with them.

Well, he does have a small clue. He knows his game sucks. He can't be suckered up to even talking to us as he knows we'll extract some information about the game that'll prove once again it sucks. He knows we know more then he does about Fallout and it's setting.

OK, I think I should get back into the realworld... I'm talking about the producer (or whatever he did) of RLH here...

Even if FO:T wasn't that great, at least they were cooperative - and I'm dead certain this DID up their sales.

Will the console jocks get to fry Deathclaw A LA Cuevas in this bowling alley parking lot? That's too much to expect.

Will any parody of Pipboy GRACE the graphics of FOBOS?
That's too much to expect.

Outside of the trailer, if even a load screen mirrors this concept art,
it would flummix me with SHOCK AND AWE!

Conception relates to birth and so far I've witnessed spawn....

Hear the barker...on the I'play Funway.....
""Three shots fo' a nickle, two fo' a dime, step right up and prove your
small arms' prowess,....,. spray the face of PIPBOY an' win a remake of RUN LIKE HELL....""

1) what the hell is a "psycho ghoul" anyway? aren't ghouls supposed to be skinny and weak? this guy looks like an unsuccessful hybrid of Cap'n Hands and The Consumer (if you played Loaded on PSX, you'll know what i mean:)).

2) i would sure like to know what Brian Fargo, Tim Cain, Chris Taylor, Chris Avellone, Leo Boyarski, Feargus and rest of the original Fallout 1 & 2 team think about Fallout POS. maybe somebody could get them to post a comment on NMA?
Ratty said:
i would sure like to know what Brian Fargo, Tim Cain, Chris Taylor, Chris Avellone, Leo Boyarski, Feargus and rest of the original Fallout 1 & 2 team think about Fallout POS. maybe somebody could get them to post a comment on NMA?

I'm sure they wouldn't want to comment about this game on the record, but off the record I'd guess they feel the same way we do.