KatzSmile said:New WIP. I hope that will be final version.
All these modern vehicles? The Scouter and Tank are WW2 designs, the buggy is as much of a Mad Max reference as the Leather armour or Dogmeat, the APC and Nuke carrier are futuristic as befits a game that takes place in 2197. All the wrecked vehicles are 50's or early designs, that only leaves the Hummer out of place. That there are working petrol driven vehicles at all in a Fallout game is a far greater error.CazadorVault RED Engineer said:All these "modern" vehicles rolling around in a FALLOUT game are driving me nuts! X(
requiem_for_a_starfury said:All these modern vehicles? The Scouter and Tank are WW2 designs, the buggy is as much of a Mad Max reference as the Leather armour or Dogmeat, the APC and Nuke carrier are futuristic as befits a game that takes place in 2197. All the wrecked vehicles are 50's or early designs, that only leaves the Hummer out of place. That there are working petrol driven vehicles at all in a Fallout game is a far greater error.CazadorVault RED Engineer said:All these "modern" vehicles rolling around in a FALLOUT game are driving me nuts! X(
requiem_for_a_starfury said:I know very well what the design of Fallout is meant to be. But it's an APC they didn't exactly put tail fins on those things back in the 50's.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:Well the design reminds me of the M548 which was early 60's which is way not as far out there as the hummer. Remember Fallout is meant to be the imaginings of a 50's pulp scifi hack writing about the late 21st century not the actual 50's so the APC fits far more than having any actual WW2 or 1950's vehicles.
KatzSmile said:I was going to make Highwayman sprite for FT.