Hillary Clinton is probably now going to be the next president.


So its unlikely Bernie is gonna win the Democratic Primary, more likely they will team up and be Hillary's Vice Presidential candidate.
As I previously mentioned in another thread, Donald Trump is now the Republican nominee, which puts Hillary's victory beyond question. I think him trying to clean up his image will be nigh on impossible, with almost 80% of women disliking him, and many Hispanics, both huge voting blocks.
I suspect the result will be Hillary taking over 30 states, at a conservative estimate.
More realistically she will be the victor in a Reagan in 84 style 50 state landslide, with her probably trashing him on the debating stage.
I think she will be able to take many of the states with the most electoral votes, like California, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Perhaps she might even be able to pull of Texas.
It looks like established Republicans are planning on a third party run, which would split Donald Trump's vote, and make his position look unstable.
Maybe Gary Johnson will win a couple of states, or star in the debates, but I still think Hillary will win by a large margin.
This is probably what it will look like:

No swearing, raging or angry arguing please. Also, don't bother derailing this off topic like some people did with the World War Two German veterans thread, where it went from a discussion about the topic to a pissing contest about holocaust denial. Its annoying and silly when that kind of stuff happens.
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AFAIC, the world has been a cesspool of corruption ever since JFK was knocked off - everything that has happened since has been about money and making rich people richer on the backs of the poor.

Well, thinking about it, the world's been screwed ever since the fractional reserve banking system took over, about the turn of the 20th century, which JFK tried to end.

It really wont get any better at all with Hilldog in "charge" because she is just a puppet for the broken banking system. They will continue to screw everyone, terrorise innocent people in false flag events & steal peoples "money" through taxes just to finance invasions of weaker countries to steal their natural resources [or grow opium poppies or coca plants]. 'They' will, of course, tell you via their propaganda TV, Radio & Print, that the invasion of that small country is because it is filled with "terrorists", this of course is a lie, as we all know that the real terrorists are the US Government and the massive corporations that pay them to make the rules that allow the rich to get away with all that they do.

If you're sick of this destructive way of life, I'm organizing a get-together in the park across from my home to discuss ways we can stop all this. There will be Tea & Scones with Jam & Cream. Gold coin donation please.
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I honestly don't like any of the people running, but I would have preferred Bernie over either Hillary or Trump. Trump's an egotistical blowhard who only cares about what he wants as opposed to the people and flipflops on his issues daily and may also be a bit of a pedophile, while Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar, a criminal, and possibly a murderer depending on what you believe about Bill Clinton's presidency.

It's a sad day in America when one person running for president hits on his own daughter, and the other person running is on trial right now for breaking the law. These are our choices people. It makes me want to vomit.

Don't shoot me but I honestly wish Rand Paul would run independent on a Libertarian ticket. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
Actually, I think Trump has a good chance. People don't like Clinton, and her image as a cold-hearted professional deeply rooted in "The Establishment" does not make her sympathetic or relatable.
I have no idea what will happen, all I know is that I don't like either Clinton or Trump.
Hillary doesn't stand a chance against Trump. Even if you hate him you have to admit he has master bantz. Hillary has too many skeletons in her closet to stand a chance against him head to head. I mean Benghazi, defending a rapist, being investigated by the FBI for her E-Mails, letting Bill cheat on her and all the other shady shit the two of them have been up two. If you think "low energy jeb", "Little Marco" and "Lyin Ted" were bad just wait until he gives Hillary his full attention.
Actually, I think Trump has a good chance. People don't like Clinton, and her image as a cold-hearted professional deeply rooted in "The Establishment" does not make her sympathetic or relatable.

Here's the problem: Clinton's hated, yes. But she isn't hated NEARLY as much as Trumpet. People in the Democratic party will, for whatever reason, actually listen to Clinton and agree with her despite the fact she's just as bad as Trump.

Trump meanwhile is so despised by both parties that, right now, a good chunk of the Republican base has split off into an "Anyone But Trump" voting coalition and plan to vote for a 3rd party candidate, which includes myself. He is liked neither by Republicans or Democrats, but Clinton is actually liked and respected by her party despite belonging in jail.
I honestly don't like any of the people running, but I would have preferred Bernie over either Hillary or Trump.
So would I, but you get what your given in this "democracy"
Trump's an egotistical blowhard who only cares about what he wants as opposed to the people and flipflops on his issues daily and may also be a bit of a pedophile, while Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar, a criminal, and possibly a murderer depending on what you believe about Bill Clinton's presidency.
You described them well, but I don't think she is a murderer.
I also think she will be better at economics than Trump, and actually acknowledges climate change.
It's a sad day in America when one person running for president hits on his own daughter, and the other person running is on trial right now for breaking the law. These are our choices people. It makes me want to vomit.
She is not on trial yet, and I suspect the allegations are all about to be swept under the carpet.
I agree, Trump incestuously hitting on his own daughter is sickening and disgusting.
Don't shoot me but I honestly wish Rand Paul would run independent on a Libertarian ticket. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
I would classify myself as a Democrat, but I agree with Rand Paul on civil liberties.
Actually, I think Trump has a good chance. People don't like Clinton, and her image as a cold-hearted professional deeply rooted in "The Establishment" does not make her sympathetic or relatable.
I have no idea what will happen, all I know is that I don't like either Clinton or Trump.
You are correct, but as I mention two of the biggest and most motivated voting blocks, Hispanics and Women, are going to vote for Hillary, so I think that her cold establishment image will be made redundant by Trumps incompetent campaigning.
Hardcore 30 year Republicans are burning their membership cards and preparing to vote for Hillary, which says something.
Hillary doesn't stand a chance against Trump. Even if you hate him you have to admit he has master bantz. Hillary has too many skeletons in her closet to stand a chance against him head to head. I mean Benghazi, defending a rapist, being investigated by the FBI for her E-Mails, letting Bill cheat on her and all the other shady shit the two of them have been up two. If you think "low energy jeb", "Little Marco" and "Lyin Ted" were bad just wait until he gives Hillary his full attention.
Gosh, there are so many flaws with this statement I don't know where to begin.
Master Bantz
doesn't win elections.
Hillary has too many skeletons in her closet to stand a chance against him head to head.
Hillary's closet does have skeletons in them, but Trump's closet is practically full of them.
I mean Benghazi
Many are not particularly bothered about that apart from Republicans.
defending a rapist
If you are referring to Bill Clinton, I assure you all sexual relations were consensual.
If you think "low energy jeb", "Little Marco" and "Lyin Ted" were bad just wait until he gives Hillary his full attention.
Those kinds stupid playground insults only work on parts of the further right wing Republican Electorate, about 10 Million People, and that constitutes a very small part of the electorate as a whole. Trump supporters who respond well to that kind of crap are a vocal minority.
letting Bill cheat on her
Nobody honestly cares about Bill's antics, in fact it makes them stronger. People love it. His polls went up throughout the Lewinsky Scandal and impeachment process.
other shady shit the two of them have been up two.
*To, and what kind of 'shady shit' are you talking about? Trump gets up to 'shady shit' (probably with his daughter mostly), and so did Bush.
Hillary isn't some kind of exception, all politicians get up to some kind of 'shady shit' in their careers, apart from Bernie
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If you are referring to Bill Clinton, I assure you all sexual relations were consensual.

Actually that's where you're wrong: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...roaddrick-hillarys-role-covering-bill-clinton

I would also say Hillary has a lot more skeletons in her closet than Trump. Hillary's been in politics since the 80s or earlier, she's hidden tons of information and has proven herself a liar again and again. Trump's just been a billionaire that went bankrupt a few times and is now saying really stupid stuff. He's an idiot and a womanizer, but more skeletons than Hillary? No. Just no.
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The main problem is this: it doesn't matter who wins unless they tackle the massive problem of your medical system. It's such a burden now you've probably only got a few years left before it collapses the economy and, by extension, possibly the government. Trump has hinted he has plans to do this, or at the very least that he's aware of the problem. None of the others have, or even care (unsurprisingly).

End of the day, if the medical spending problem isn't solved, nothing else matters, and you're very close to being out of time.
If you are referring to Bill Clinton, I assure you all sexual relations were consensual.
*To, and what kind of 'shady shit' are you talking about? Trump gets up to 'shady shit' (probably with his daughter mostly), and so did Bush.
Bill was accused of rape on multiple occasions and is a known sex addict.

Trump said his daughter looks good.

Also, how can you claim that a man who won the nomination elections despite every large media outlet shilling hard against him is an incompetent campaginer?

Trump meanwhile is so despised by both parties that, right now, a good chunk of the Republican base has split off into an "Anyone But Trump" voting coalition and plan to vote for a 3rd party candidate, which includes myself.
What's the point of that? You know that the third party candidate will not win. You might as well not vote.
What's the point of that? You know that the third party candidate will not win. You might as well not vote.
Which is why the third party candidate will not win.

The solution is simple: Vote for a third party candidate. Yeah, your candidate probably won't win, but if more and more people vote third party it certainly sends a signal to the other parties, eventually forcing them to reconsider their positions.
Trump said his daughter looks good.
He said he would date her
Also, how can you claim that a man who won the nomination elections despite every large media outlet shilling hard against him is an incompetent campaginer?
He is an incompetent campaigner because his campaigning has resulted in most Hispanics and Women detesting him, and they have the power to stop him being elected.
The solution is simple: Vote for a third party candidate. Yeah, your candidate probably won't win, but if more and more people vote third party it certainly sends a signal to the other parties, eventually forcing them to reconsider their positions.
Ross Perot didn't seem to change Bill Clinton's positions and he got 19 million votes.
Bill was accused of rape on multiple occasions
Accused, but not incarcerated, and non of serious accusations have been proven true, apart from Lewinsky, which was consensual.
It is totally unproven, and most likely false, look at this
  • articles.latimes.com/1999/feb/26/local/me-11829
I would also say Hillary has a lot more skeletons in her closet than Trump. Hillary's been in politics since the 80s or earlier, she's hidden tons of information and has proven herself a liar again and again. Trump's just been a billionaire that went bankrupt a few times and is now saying really stupid stuff. He's an idiot and a womanizer, but more skeletons than Hillary? No. Just no.
People care more about the really stupid stuff Trump does now, than some unscrupulous activity relating to Hillary Clinton in the 1980's and 90's.
Its totally incongruous to the current political scene.
What's the point of that? You know that the third party candidate will not win. You might as well not vote.
Go look at the 1912 election and come back.
@Illuminati Confirmed! All you seem to do is come to a thread and spout stuff like that without previously doing your research at all, it's frustrating and you should stop.
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I only see Hitlary Clinton winning if Bill suddenly gets very ill or dies.
If not, Trump stands a good chance.

Regardless of who wins, the US loses.

If I were american, I'd vote Gary Johnson, even if he has no chance of winning.
I only see Hitlary Clinton winning if Bill suddenly gets very ill or dies.
If not, Trump stands a good chance.
That makes no sense. Please elaborate on why that is.
If I were american, I'd vote Gary Johnson, even if he has no chance of winning.
So would I.
PS: just because I think a Hillary victory is likely, I am not a supporter of hers. I would rather
support Todd Howard. Nor am I saying that I think cannot win, I just think it is highly unlikely
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Which is why the third party candidate will not win.

The solution is simple: Vote for a third party candidate. Yeah, your candidate probably won't win, but if more and more people vote third party it certainly sends a signal to the other parties, eventually forcing them to reconsider their positions.

Yeah, sure, you making your vote utterly irrelevant will make them reconsider their positions. Johnson has neither the appeal or the momentum Ron Paul had, what makes you think he'll do any better?

He said he would date her
If she wasn't his daughter. Ergo he praised her apperance and/or personality.

He is an incompetent campaigner because his campaigning has resulted in most Hispanics and Women detesting him, and they have the power to stop him being elected.
Based on.....

Ross Perot didn't seem to change Bill Clinton's positions and he got 19 million votes.
Perot had more of a hate boner for Bush than an actual goal to become president.

Accused, but not incarcerated, and non of serious accusations have been proven true, apart from Lewinsky, which was consensual.

It is totally unproven, and most likely false, look at this
  • articles.latimes.com/1999/feb/26/local/me-11829
As opposed to how completely proven it is that Trump wants to bone his own daughter.

People care more about the really stupid stuff Trump does now, than some unscrupulous activity relating to Hillary Clinton in the 1980's and 90's.
Its totally incongruous to the current political scene.
Because involvement in murder and corruption is so much more benevolent than offending easily offendable people.

Go look at the 1912 election and come back.
@Illuminati Confirmed! All you seem to do is come to a thread and spout stuff like that without previously doing your research at all, it's frustrating and you should stop.

You mean the election where Woodrow Wilson from the Democratic Party won because the Republicans were fractured into Republicans and Progressives?

Stupid americans, the world needed Sanders.
If Sanders' policy was the magic formula that brings prosperity, any European country ever to have had a leftist government would have beaten the US in terms of prosperity long ago. Even an average right-wing party in Europe is more leftist than Sanders.

I only see Hitlary Clinton winning if Bill suddenly gets very ill or dies.
If not, Trump stands a good chance.

Regardless of who wins, the US loses.

If I were american, I'd vote Gary Johnson, even if he has no chance of winning.
And I'm sure future generations would thank you for your shallow virtue-signalling.