Per said:
"Pacific War" is almost as bad a pun as "Iraqi Freedom".
Per said:
Stag said:Maybe you're forgetting that back then, men were men, and massive slaughter of civilians was part of being a man.
That said, I agree with Truman's decision.
Stag said:15 million people killed, probably raped and tortured as well? I think I would feel ok.
Obviously this wasn't a military target, but...Those people were fucked up.
Madbringer said:I wonder, would he be court-martialled if he'd refuse to follow the order?
Regardless of the fact that those two bombs ended the war, it must have been hard for him to live with himself after this.
Stag said:I'm not implying anything racist, but sort of adding to what has been said previously; the Japanese government fucked its people up.
Ah-Teen said:If you want to spit on someone, spit on Churchill for ordering firebombing Dresden. At least the atomic bomb targets had a reason.
Per said:Cricket, foxhunting and napalm carpetbombing are the original British pastimes.