He dropped by not long back but most of those guys I think got attached to people that no longer post here.
That’s probably why I stick to The Order; consistently the same people post, even though we did have many leave as well. I recognize nobody in NMA now.He dropped by not long back but most of those guys I think got attached to people that no longer post here.
The Order is more fun to do that like people can't fucking do both or something. YOU CAN DO BOTH. I do. You are allowed. GO AND BE FREEEEEE.
Lol, the fucking Irony of that. I had no warning/strike before a ban because I pointed out the movie buff thread was like a fucking looked lame af with it's huge total of 10 votes cast and the rule and vote changing etc, etc.
TheDutchGhost who seems a sensible calm sort told me he had moved a thread as it had gone off topic kind of thing.
I apologised for messing anyone about. His reply was " No problem " as he realised I was new to forums.
I've even spoken to Hassknecht on threads. I bare no malice towards him!
I had to ask on twitter could anyone repair all the fuck ups that happened to my computer ' Script errors and stuff.
No wonder the chosen few stay within the oTO all comfy chatting shit about soft drinks or George Fucking Carlin.
It all looks so fucking pitiful, the double standards and the fakery.
You asked me to make an Alt account, you sneaky fucker.
Any which way hey.
Your loving limey Billy the Scouser. Javohl
Who did I ask to make an alt account? That Dopamine Cleric guy or William Dempsey or both? Was that to try to save your status here at NMA to where you could have friends or was that so you could shitpost everywhere incomprehensibly trying to annoy people? Think on that a little bit. Maybe I was trying to help you regain some sanity points instead of flailing at the wall. Maybe it does entertain me to watch the process, but I do wish you the best either way because I have no reason to wish you anything else. All you are doing is being annoying.
You triple posting bothers the regular folk more than me because I can just merge your posts into one, I do it for people all the time without saying anything. Anyway you have a good one.
Maybe he'll pretend to be Australian next.
You're just uncharismatic as fuck,
Woah, slow down hep cat. You say you and the elite think I am a square man ?people just don't like you man. It's as simple as that.
Willy just chill.
I called him out in front of everyone
I'll tell you what Billy, if you settle the fuck down and stop being an asshat,
Yeh. None of that ever happened. But you go be all the retard you can be, Billy. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something because of your mental disability.
EDIT: For someone who shitposts 24/7, I find it funny you can't recognize a blatantly obvious shitpost.
When I got to the end of the thread, the post that had been made was gone/deleted and my post showed under Kermit the cunting frog.