Hitman looks like a cautious buy for me.
I want to buy it when it's dirt cheap, but like Super Bunnyhop said, it's Online Only and there's those side stuff which is one try only before it's gone for good.
I want to buy it, but I don't want to support this "Online Only" bullshit for single player games. It's incredibly insulting for the consumer who spent money on it and the developer who spent time making it only for their game to game to be erased from history somewhere down the line.
This kind of shit is worse than Episodic content, which can be good. If episodic games are released cheap and contain little self contained stories that are either just straight-up stand alone or lead to a bigger plot, I'm all for it. It can be good for both the devs and consumer who can send feedback and see what works and what doesn't. It shouldn't work for every game (imagine if Fallout was released in episodes) plus it can help players perfect their gamestyle.
Yeah, I want to buy Hitman (2016), a lot in fact. But I just can't when I think the experience I will play today won't be the same when I play tomorrow.