Hollywood Billboard Bashes Liberals

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes

Hollywood Billboards Mock Liberals, Hawk Scripts
Fri, Feb 11, 2005, 01:02 PM PT
LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - Forget advertising movies, underwear or perfume on billboards. That's so trite. What's hot on billboards today ranges from personals ads to requests for donated organs.

In Hollywood, two particular signs are gaining media attention. The first is a right-wing billboard funded by Citizens United that credits Hollywood's outspoken liberals for creating enough hoopla during the last presidential election to get George W. Bush re-elected.

The billboards feature Bush smiling at a podium and the faces of several Hollywood left-wingers: Barbra Streisand, Ben Affleck, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg and Michael Moore, filmmaker of the controversial anti-Bush documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11." The signs read "4 More Years. Thank You Hollywood!

The sign is strategically placed so they will be visible from the red carpet outside Hollywood's Kodak Theatre on Oscar night, Sunday, Feb. 27

That is pretty funny, actually.

But then, it seems fair when so much of the liberal community things the conservative right are little more than a bunch of in-bred, bible toting, redneck racists.

Remember, what comes around goes around. I have already heard talk that the same places which espouse "good christian morality,""family values", "Christian education" are also the places with the highest rates of divorce, highest levels of infidelity and lowest IQs.
Remember, what comes around goes around. I have already heard talk that the same places which espouse "good christian morality,""family values", "Christian education" are also the places with the highest rates of divorce, highest levels of infidelity and lowest IQs.
Boy, you neoliberals sure know how to talk to a former conervative, don't cha?
I remember living in Los Angeles. With the loads of graffiti meant to send messages, billboards were large easy targets. I just know someone will deface it. How will be funny.

The Vault Dweller
"Thank you Hollywood" Yeah it was really because of fucking hollywood they won. How about scaring the majority of Americans with the threat of Terrorism every day.
welsh said:
But then, it seems fair when so much of the liberal community things the conservative right are little more than a bunch of in-bred, bible toting, redneck racists.
Are you implying they aren't? :wink:
I think stereo-typing conservatives is a mistake. Talking down to them is even dummer.

You get a southern conservative who watches a show like Sex in the City or pays any attention to Hollywood Tabloids and they get one thing clear- "I don't want that."

That said, southerners, including southern conservatives have their interests which are not always spoken for by the leadership. Short of alternative choices, perhaps they have little to go with but fundamentalist churches and republican spokespeople.

But southerners have issues- poor education resource, declining employment potential, a brain drain from rural areas to urban, declines in family businesses, etc. And they have made some progress in attracting high tech as well as overcoming many issues of racial integration.

I am often surprised, when I go over the mountain, how many folks in Malkyland are involved in interracial relationships, for example. Locally there has been a growth of communal living. Bluegrass culture is not always as republican as you might think.

(and incidently California is often a lot more republican than liberals think- I mean, look at the governator- and it's not necessarily a bad thing).

For a long time the democrats owned the south and they could again. But they won't if they keep talking down to the South, or if the image they advocate is one that southerners just can't deal. Frankly, I just can't watch Sex in the City and I'm from NY.
I don't see how anybody could stand a show about aging women that talk about gobbling dick.

Thanks, but no thanks.

For some reason, I find that people who enjoyed Sex and the City also enjoyed Ally McBeal. Coincidence? I think not, sir.
tv shows about women? wow

"Thank you Hollywood" Yeah it was really because of fucking hollywood they won. How about scaring the majority of Americans with the threat of Terrorism every day.

so it should say 'thanks fox news' lol?
Not sure Brady-

I always wanted to have sex with some of the girls on Ally McBeal.



Lucy Liu was really damn funny on that show.
Yeah, I know, it helped that these chicks were hot and I was horny whereas Sex in the City- the chicks were not hot and did not make me horny.... any.... I digress.
welsh said:
But they won't if they keep talking down to the South,

Remember, what comes around goes around. I have already heard talk that the same places which espouse "good christian morality,""family values", "Christian education" are also the places with the highest rates of divorce, highest levels of infidelity and lowest IQs.
CCR- and your point is......

Well? I mean, reality check.

I am sorry if the South has issues with looking stupid, but maybe they shouldn't keep working at it.

I mean saying NY is a wonderful city doesn't mean it doesn't have race issues. Chicago is a great city, has crooked politicans.

Would you prefer to whitewash the problems or deal with them.

Ok, fine, the liberal northerners should not stereotype, but maybe southern conservatives have got to get over their hypocrisy.
Or mabe we should just impregnate every 17 year old girl on her prom night, smoke tons of pot, and have abortion orgies.......... :roll:

Thank God for the freedom of speech, its just a billboard!!!
I think its absolutely hilarious.
I try to imagine the day when political schizm foments massive party oriented hate crimes. Like, Republican's bashing their neigbors mail boxes or Liberals squatting like dogs on the Sunday School teacher's lawn, or, as things get worse and worse, widespread physical violence. Right now bashing may be on Billboards, but I can't wait till it's on people's skulls.
Your right for now it is just billboards.......and im pretty sure the republicans would win.

Republicans(cold and reserved) <VS>Demoncrats (sign around neck saying "rape me i wont press charges)