Homeworld 1/2 and Fallout??


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
After picking up Homeworld 2 for AU$15 I have a question/thought...

Has anyone played either Homeworld games?? I seem to sense a similar eeriness between the games that makes you want to play the game on and learn about a future that has been devastated from some kind of human accident/incident...

My question is does anyone else feel the same eeriness as the Fallout series (1/2) as in the Homeworld series??
Oooohhh, i would ne say that.

The homeworld games were pretty dark and sinister; try creeping around Karos graveyard (where there are hulking great ship hulks, etc). The music on homeworld was awesome; My favorite track was Adigo for Strings by William Barber. It did lend a very dark, sad mood to the first level: when the only world you ever knew was in flaming ruins behind you, you had to fight for survival against an enemy you'd never even met.
The cut scences were brilliant. Simple drawings but so powerful.

I can see why you like the atmosphere of HW so much. Personally, the Homeworld and Fallout series are my favorite games ever! However, they can't really compare. Sure they both have ereiy music but they're two completely different kettles of fish. For one, Homeworld is all about spectacular view and battlechatter and reclaiming your homeworld, whilst fallout is about striving to survive. The reasons of the destruction is completely different; Fallout its man himself destroying his world, in HW its an ancient enemy and galatic law that nukes the world.

Still i can see why you draw comparisions. They are both wonderful games!
Yeah, the music is what really does it for me. But the whole 'doomed' kind of sensation is amazing which both games portray.

I didn't want to draw comparison to my 2 favourite games of all time, but I thought it would be quite interesting....oh well...
duckman said:
Yeah, the music is what really does it for me.

If so, check out more music of Mark Morgan's. It was a pleasure to have his work in Fallout, among many other titles. He can do wasteland as well as evil circus.

But the whole 'doomed' kind of sensation is amazing which both games portray.

I have rathered liked to ratiocinate the feeling as "desolate", "lost", and "hopeless". :D
I have rathered liked to ratiocinate the feeling as "desolate", "lost", and "hopeless".

Yeah those are better words. At the time no words better than doomed came to mind :mrgreen: