How are you supposed to play Civ 5?


Keeper of the trout
The AI seems very all or nothing. Either you never ever poke or push anybody, ever, for any reason, or everybody denounces you, and denounce you forever. I'm trying to grasp the mechanics, I noticed that on humongous map, with many many nations, there was more room for dynamics, but even there there's a "rolling ball" effect, where if once denounces you, they all - and I mean all denounce you. Sometimes there is an emergence of blocks, one block denouncing another, but its very difficult to stay in a block, because before you know it - one of your own buddies denounce you, and the ball rolls again.

Just now I ragequit a big map where I was trying to maintain such a block, untill one of them asked me to denounce my closest ally, the one asking me was a "friendship pact" buddy as well. I would not oblige - instant denouncement, followed by a steady followup of practically everyone else asking me the same thing, wanting me to denounce this nation. A few turns later, they all attacked that nation, multiple nation invasion, I stayed out of it, but it was only a matter of time before that diplomatic sacrifice was thrown out the window when they too ultimately denounced me, for being so damn denounced.

Either there is something superclever here I'm not getting, or this is the dumbest Civ AI so far. And it's a perfect catch 22 also: You can only give gifts, to improve relations, if you allready have relations outstanding enough to warrant a friendship-pact. Untill your relations are SO improved, you can forget about improving relations o_-

Other diplomatic nuggets: Move your armies away from our borders. Okay, how far away? Into the ocean? I move them a tile away, but they keep asking, so now I assume I have to move them a whole turn-movement away, which usually means - into the ocean. No. I won't put my army in the ocean, fuck off.

Oh and then the "can we have ALL your money plz? Yes all of it. NO? Consider yourself denounced!!! >:'I"

Ah well

nice graphics tho :b
I know what you mean. The last couple games nobody did anything ever, well except the Mongols they seem to be the only civ in the game that does anything. The denouncing thing is hilarious, the Mongols and have just crushed 2 civs and are now on my doorstep, as The Germans I liberated the territories and return the cities to their previous owners, 6 turns later the English and Russians who I just liberated from the yoke of Mongol tyranny denounce me because I now have the largest army in the word because I just killed the mongols'.

I play with the new world(or something) map setting that has all the civs on one continent and a empty continent on the outherside of the planet, thinking that it would make a great gameplay point come the age of exploration.....I've only seen one civ ever even plant a city there. hell I've only seen them build airplanes once.

I said screw it and got Galactic Civilizations 2.
Yeah, that's another thing, from the old games, I am very efficient in the early game, settling land. But there comes a point where they stop expanding, and leave huge open areas of totally habitable land that just eats at my OCD. I'm not against being big and powerful, but it's just insulting when they all LET you expand by remaining totally passive themselves :D

And yeah, I've learned to live with the automatic hatred caused by having a large army/lots of territory, but they really could have refined some of those diplomacy mechanics a bit, they are very stale and unflexible.
What difficulty are you playing at?

Yeah, sometimes the ai is hard. Last game I played, right at the end game I got attacked by two countries and everyone else denounced me -- one of the countries was allies with every city state so I was at war with all of them too and had no trading partners. That was fun.

Moving armies one square away should do it.
Are you playing with the expansions? That improved the ai some. It's a solid game on hard difficulties. I think most still prefer 4, but I never played that one.
The expansions are a must otherwise the game is lacking compared to 4.
Yes, I got the expansions. It's not so much a hard AI, it's the unpredictable AI. Once again I found myself doing tough sacrifices - which I consider to be "hard diplomatics", and I'm fine with that, I needed Russia to be on my side, so I side with Russia in everything. We form a "block", but Russia is my closest ally, so I agree with everything. I denounce when they ask me to, and I back them up. I joined their war and BAM, denounced... + ball rolling, Russia's buds and friends denounce me, and in a snap I am without allies.

I'm also not sure what makes for minor, major or extreme warmongering. It seems random. I can only assume it maybe has to do with the nations peacefulness? More harmless nations cause more extreme warmongering to occupy?

I prefer the mechanics of CIV3 actually, although some of the exponensial algorithms of it doomed any game to failure, if one let it last too long, but I loved tinkering around with the editor and creating my own rules.
I would for example change "Mechanized Infantry" into "APC", and change its stats so that it indeed would carry, say, 3-4 "Infantry" (which I changed to not upgrade anywhere from there) I also increased the reach of artillery pieces, making a more "zoomed in" game

I tried to make detailed maps of both Korean peninsula as well as Israel/Palestine, but never got to fully finishing them. In both cases, the run-away exponensialism was always a hinder.

I liked Civ4, but the in-game cheat-screen ("editor" my ass) made me lazy
Do you guys ever play the scenarios?

I'm still learning the mechanics of Civ 5. I miss religion being such an important factor in the game though. Another thing I miss is being able to stack units, unless there's some way to do so that I'm not seeing.
Are you playing with the expansions? That improved the ai some. It's a solid game on hard difficulties. I think most still prefer 4, but I never played that one.

I'm not. I got civ 5 for free when I bought X-Com, but since the game just turned me off to the idea of buying the expansion packs or it.
Different civilizations are also going to have different ai, so that might explain why they're not expanding (venice only ever has one city).

Asside from the game-breaking worker bug that's fixed in the expansions, I thought five was a marked improvement over the rest. The instant troop transport over water figuratively almost brought me to tears.
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I agree that the removal of stacking was unfortunate. I get why they wanted to make it more chess-like, but they should have handled it differently - OR allowed exceptions, especially when it comes to workers.

Send to-three workers off to a region of your country - on their way there, their paths cross for whatever reason, and they cancel their destination. Gotta remember where they were headed, and re-send them there.

Also, automatic exploration is flawed as well, with scouts locking themselves into "corners" of ice sheets and such, insisting on using some short-cut through fog-of-war that they'll never get to.
So often I send a worker or a settler on their way, it says maybe 5 turns to wait, I wait and wait, 20 turns later I start to look for them, and they're ooon their waaay acrossss the ocean, to traverse around the entire planet, to get to their destination from the opposite direction - cus at some point, their path was blocked o_-
I played the into the renaissance scenario as France. Spain got mad I settled near them and decided to declare war on me like ten turns later. I beat them back (barely) but the moment my troops started to surround Toledo they sent me an offer saying they'd give me 5 gold for 25 turns plus an extra 250 gold for a ten turn cease fire.

I accepted, but I still want to take Toledo because it's on French land in reality.
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Alt-F4 is the best way to play it.

On a more serious note, the ai will get angry if you settle (or pop camps or raze barbs or claim natural landmarks) within 6 tiles from their borders. Similarly, they will get angry if you beat them to a wonder construction (even if you didn't have a diplomatic relationship at the time) or move your military units close to their borders (even if you are in your own borders) or trade with a city state it sees as its own (again within 6 hex area from it's borders)
It will get angry if you have a bigger military or smaller military (regardless of unit types, based on numbers) than him, settle more than 1 city every 35(?) turns on normal, if you have more research, income or culture...

If you really wan't to play this game, get the expansions and then get one of the ai tweak mods from civfanatics. Play on huge map settings and you might experience some saner ai behaviors.

and yes, all the warts of the CiV were carried over lock stock and barrel to the Beyond Earth and you can experience the idiocy over there too. :sad:

Frankly, even after all this time civ 4 complete and SMAC are still the pinnacle of the series
[TABLE="class: bodytable, width: 100%"]
[TD]Action Taken by You or Situation[/TD]
[TD]Warmongering Penalties - read below. Can go far beyond 100 if you capture many Cities.[/TD]
[TD]We have used Nuclear Weapons[/TD]
[TD]We have Denounced them[/TD]
[TD]They have Denounced us[/TD]
[TD]We have Denounced Civs that they like[/TD]
[TD]We've made a Declaration of Frienship with one of their Enemies[/TD]
[TD]+20 per[/TD]
[TD]Other Civs they like more than you have Denounced you[/TD]
[TD]You made a promise to other Civs to move your troops from their Borders, and then broke it![/TD]
[TD]You refused to move your troops away from their Borders when they asked[/TD]
[TD]You built Wonders that they Coveted[/TD]
[TD]You have stolen their territory with a Great General[/TD]
[TD]You captured their original Capital[/TD]
[TD]They covet lands that you currently own[/TD]
[TD]They believe we are building new Cities too aggressively[/TD]
[TD]We asked them to stop Settling new Cities near us[/TD]
[TD]We made a promise to War with another Civ (10 turns), then broke it[/TD]
[TD]You made a promise to stop Settling Cities near them, then broke it[/TD]
[TD]They asked you to stop settling Cities near them, and you ignored them[/TD]
[TD]You made a promise to stop buying land near them, then broke it[/TD]
[TD]They asked you to stop buying land near them, and you ignored them[/TD]
[TD]You made a Trade Demand of them - Demand when interacting with AI[/TD]
[TD]Your Spies were caught trying to steal their Technology - not a big hit, steal one tech but see below if you are caught:[/TD]
[TD]They asked you to stop Spying and you ignored them[/TD]
[TD]You made a promise to stop Spying, then broke it[/TD]
[TD]Ask them to stop Spying on you[/TD]
[TD]They are spreading their own Religion, but you Converted some of their Cities - Grows Worse[/TD]
[TD]You made a promise to stop Converting their Cities, then broke it - Grows Worse[/TD]
[TD]They asked you to stop Converting their Cities, and you ignored them - Growse worse[/TD]
[TD]They disliked your Proposal to the World Congress, lasts 45 turns[/TD]
[TD]We helped their Proposal fail in the World Congress, lasts 45 turns[/TD]
[TD]You have chosen to adopt the X Ideology while they believe in another. Adopting Ideologies sets Civs apart and can lead to War along with other accumulated problems throughout the game.[/TD]
[TD]You made a promise to stop excavating their Artifacts, and then broke it[/TD]
[TD]They asked you to stop extracting Artifacts, and you ignored them[/TD]
[TD]We are competing for the favor of the same City-States, depends on MinorCivCompetitiveness[/TD]
[TD]We bullied City-States under their Protection (gradually decays over 30 turns)[/TD]
[TD]Conquered a City-State under their Protection, and grows worse[/TD]
[TD]They mistreated your protected City-States and you didn't look the other way (decays over 10 turns)[/TD]

All seems pretty reasonable to me.
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It's reasonable to react negatively, yes, but one game goes over milennia, from stone age to space exploration future, and the civs inevitably focus on the negative. I find it almost impossible to *repair* relations, once soured. Once the denouncements start rolling, there's no unrolling. Liberating a city should really count a lot in my opinion, but sometimes you get denounced the very next turn
Fuckin England attacked me and I was on a "Friendly" stance with them. It wasn't like five turns before that though that they got mad that I pledged to protect the same city-state as they did. Now I'm frantically making all my cities build units to fend off an invasion. Though I got three other civs to war with them also. It took every resource I had, but...
Fuckin England attacked me and I was on a "Friendly" stance with them. It wasn't like five turns before that though that they got mad that I pledged to protect the same city-state as they did. Now I'm frantically making all my cities build units to fend off an invasion. Though I got three other civs to war with them also. It took every resource I had, but...

My guess is that is something like subterfuge. "Oh, yes, let's be friends as my army slowly makes its way to your borders." "we come in peace ak ak"

And if you are currently frantically making units, then that's why they attacked you. If you're weak you're an easy target. That's why the rapidly expanding thing is a thing, you need a bigger army to defend the more territory you have.
England is one of the civs that in first stance treat you well but when they grown bigger they try to dominate you. In another words, England is a backstabber and opportunist, no matter your stance to them ( IIRC they programmed to be like that).

Generally I don't have a problem with another civs, mainly because I play with economy in mind, is not usual of me having more gold than everybody and gold can buy friendships and defensive pacts ( try attacking me now England! Japan, Russia, USA and everybody will declare war against you!). Another alternative that I use to gain economical advantage is getting more resources and selling them ( of course I keep some to me for happines) this way you can drain resources from poorer civs and builds reputation with another civs, making easier of them accepting defensive pacts.

Generally, having good amounts of gold, resources and making defensive pacts ( make more than one) can keep you safe for a great length of time. The best civ that I was able to do this was with Veneza but you must know what to do.
Right, another thing getting on my nerves a bit, scouts explore automatically - then hits a "corner" in the coastline, where coast meets ocean. It digs itself into such a corner, and stays there, wasting every turn moving forth - then back again, staying there. At first I thought it was hitting constant obstacles, but now I'm seeing it doing it for seemingly no reason. Every few turns I have to un-automatize it, and manually move and explore it around. I'll hit E to explore, it'll fly around, uncover the map a bit, before it embarks and dives into a weird lil corner again.

I don't even wanna know if there are patches or fixes, it's just lame, the previous explorers were perfectly capable of moving when told to move. Getting movement right should be pretty elemental in most a game.