Recommended Resolutions, And Show And Tell
Recommended Resolutions, And Show And Tell
... What does it look like on a Mac?
Fallout on the Mac.
I don't detect any pallette or color issues.
This is a 15" Titanium that's going on 2 year's old. 1 Gig processor and the older, slower SDram.
There is a problem. If I have the screens in mirror,
lateral "fingers" lace the laptop, every now and then, It's a 64 mg ATI chip set split between the laptop LCD and a 17" Sony tubed Dell.
The odd sizing comes from the recommended resolutions and gives the Dell an 800 x 600 resolution. That has to be adjusted on the monitor if the black vertical borders, the tall narrow-er look, offends a fundamentalist mood for a strict interpretation, 640 x 480 screen.
The real bitch is returning FO1 and sometimes FO2 to desktop.
Perhaps there are some emulation issues that cause this 'hang up".
I wouldn't classify it as a genuine lock up.
The Macplay Support site documents the work around of clearing the black screen by using the Mac force quit 3-key manoeuver.
Sometimes FO2 takes a while to return to desktop also.
If these fail a reboot when there's no disk activity on any external hard drives does the trick.
Mac's accumulate less start up clutter over time, even when exposed to the internet, than any Microsoft version including XP Pro, so the comparative return to desktop from reboot,
is not so bad.
On a Beige G3 with 6 mgs of ATI video ram on the mother board, FO will be 640 x 480, and I 'think' one can force a slotted PCI 32 mg ATI video card to primary that will run FO2, but not FO1. FO1 must be on the onboard video.
The FO Mac ports are for OS 10.1 or later. That's second generation or more recent G3 hardware configuration, or later.
Beige G3's take heroic hardware manipulation or the OWC patch to install OS 10.2. After load up, stock Mac updates are a hazard because of possible hardware issues with the older Beige's.
Hope this helps.
Between his dispensing of 'tough love', Roshambo humorously threw out the if-ffy of FO1 and 2 porting to console.
Is that techniqually possible with the present hardware on the PS2 and XBox?
There might be some messianic visions by market'eers of taking the FO's as a bargain 'classic', (therefore less particle effects), title to the console masses, to 'try' to create a buzz for FO3-'B'(Bethesda) (Please remain from the acronym of FO-3"BS"(Bethesda Softworks)!
And the most important question is if doing the port WELL would be cost effective. Doing the job poorly would defeat any moral and fiscal justification for even the most irresponsible of the gamblers with other people's money, the 'public, corporations.
More speculation: Bethesda, as a private (?) company that is still actively in the publishing game, appears to have a conservative 'doing what we do best' personna, and would probably not risk financing a reckless introduction of FO to the console masses, I mean to say in a "PC" classless way, the console 'market'.
Actually edited out stray words, and made a concession to clarity, and then remembered to quote ....
4too - 2 - 3 - 4 - more?