How could Fallout work on a Console?

As long as you can tell how many action points you use by moving to a certain position, I see the hex/square/"sliderule" discussion as quite irrelevant. As long as you always know how many AP's you use to move a certain distance or to a certain location, what's the problem?
Dibujante said:
Certain things are just harder in consoles. Like Fallout's combat system. Can you imagine selecting one of many tiny hexes with a bulky joystick?
The analog sticks on console controllers are hardly "bulky" or imprecise.

People here are aware that you can easily play Fallout and Fallout 2 on a laptop with a pencil eraser pseudo-mouse, right? Those things are far more imprecise than a console analog stick.


... easily play Fallout and Fallout 2 on a laptop ...

Can be done on a Mac laptop with the one button mouse and the accompanying support keys.

Although the efficiency of a two button mouse must be selling a lot of USB two (or more) button mice for that platform.

In dual monitor set up, using the external monitor as the primary, the FO's have an interesting 'new' resolution.

Re: Mouseketeers

4too said:
dual monitor set up, using the external monitor as the primary, the FO's have an interesting 'new' resolution.
I've never seen Fallout on a Mac. I know that with PCs running two monitors, it produces some funky palette issues. What does it look like on a Mac?
Bradylama said:
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the move to 3D make hexes obsolete?

Heck no. A 3 dimensional playing field that uses hexes isn't any harder to implement from a 3 dimensional playing field that uses squares. Well, aside from the fact that it'd take longer. What with those extra two sides.

I don't think he's talking about the specific geometrical shape used, he's only trying to say that with present technology (nothing to do with 2D/3D really) it's not necessary to have any overlaying grid to simplify calculations and controls. (see silent storm for a gridless TB game that works like a charm.)
Recommended Resolutions, And Show And Tell

Recommended Resolutions, And Show And Tell

... What does it look like on a Mac?
Fallout on the Mac.
I don't detect any pallette or color issues.

This is a 15" Titanium that's going on 2 year's old. 1 Gig processor and the older, slower SDram.

There is a problem. If I have the screens in mirror,
lateral "fingers" lace the laptop, every now and then, It's a 64 mg ATI chip set split between the laptop LCD and a 17" Sony tubed Dell.
The odd sizing comes from the recommended resolutions and gives the Dell an 800 x 600 resolution. That has to be adjusted on the monitor if the black vertical borders, the tall narrow-er look, offends a fundamentalist mood for a strict interpretation, 640 x 480 screen.

The real bitch is returning FO1 and sometimes FO2 to desktop.

Perhaps there are some emulation issues that cause this 'hang up".
I wouldn't classify it as a genuine lock up.

The Macplay Support site documents the work around of clearing the black screen by using the Mac force quit 3-key manoeuver.
Sometimes FO2 takes a while to return to desktop also.
If these fail a reboot when there's no disk activity on any external hard drives does the trick.

Mac's accumulate less start up clutter over time, even when exposed to the internet, than any Microsoft version including XP Pro, so the comparative return to desktop from reboot,
is not so bad.

On a Beige G3 with 6 mgs of ATI video ram on the mother board, FO will be 640 x 480, and I 'think' one can force a slotted PCI 32 mg ATI video card to primary that will run FO2, but not FO1. FO1 must be on the onboard video.

The FO Mac ports are for OS 10.1 or later. That's second generation or more recent G3 hardware configuration, or later.
Beige G3's take heroic hardware manipulation or the OWC patch to install OS 10.2. After load up, stock Mac updates are a hazard because of possible hardware issues with the older Beige's.

Hope this helps.


Between his dispensing of 'tough love', Roshambo humorously threw out the if-ffy of FO1 and 2 porting to console.

Is that techniqually possible with the present hardware on the PS2 and XBox?

There might be some messianic visions by market'eers of taking the FO's as a bargain 'classic', (therefore less particle effects), title to the console masses, to 'try' to create a buzz for FO3-'B'(Bethesda) (Please remain from the acronym of FO-3"BS"(Bethesda Softworks)!

And the most important question is if doing the port WELL would be cost effective. Doing the job poorly would defeat any moral and fiscal justification for even the most irresponsible of the gamblers with other people's money, the 'public, corporations.

More speculation: Bethesda, as a private (?) company that is still actively in the publishing game, appears to have a conservative 'doing what we do best' personna, and would probably not risk financing a reckless introduction of FO to the console masses, I mean to say in a "PC" classless way, the console 'market'.


Actually edited out stray words, and made a concession to clarity, and then remembered to quote ....

4too - 2 - 3 - 4 - more?
i'm not very worried about Bethesda developing fallout 3 with console support. morrowind was developed for the PC, and was later moved onto Xbox. they have said that they won't be trying any really diffrent production/design ideas, this is probably how they will handle Fallout 3 production. PC to start off with and move it to a diffrent platform if it will work on it.

i think that the fallout combat interface can be used on a console. sticks to aim/move, 2 buttons to cycle through weapon slots and attack types, a button to toggle aimed attacks, a button for inventory.
Wish List

Wish List

Ah, yah, F'en the M.

Must increase my sproof reading skill another 10% or more!

But until I level up ....

Thanks for your support!

Along with such must haves as "" Dogmeat Teaches Typing "",
I guess my productivity wish list should include:

The SPECIAL EDition of "" Editing With Bradylama And Claw "" .

Then all I'll need is that complementary "" Arthur Dent Scrabble Bag "".

Put the "EWBAC" in Dungeon Siege mode, cast a hand full of scabble tiles to the wind and the rest will be LITERARY HISTORY!

Dangerous Beans is right about console not being terrible. Bethesda already showed it could make a good console RPG with Morrowind, and Bioware did an excellent job with KotOR. Fable and Jade Empire look like they'll be good also.

The insinuation that console games are dumbed down is a pretty lame ad hominem attack. While the Final Fantasy games are total garbage by and large, they have more to do with Japanese people having no idea what role playing is rather than consolers being stupid.

Personally I favor it because I have an X-box and my computer is too old to play many of the newer games.
Sell your X-Box and buy stuff for the PC then. Fallout3 will be for the next version of the X-Box anyway.
Sauce said:
Dangerous Beans is right about console not being terrible. Bethesda already showed it could make a good console RPG with Morrowind, and Bioware did an excellent job with KotOR. Fable and Jade Empire look like they'll be good also.

The insinuation that console games are dumbed down is a pretty lame ad hominem attack. While the Final Fantasy games are total garbage by and large, they have more to do with Japanese people having no idea what role playing is rather than consolers being stupid.

Personally I favor it because I have an X-box and my computer is too old to play many of the newer games.

Fable, Jade Empire are both 'action RPGs'. Consoles and PCs are DIFFERENT.
Quick Someone Call For A Priest!

Quick Someone Call For A Priest!

.... The insinuation that console games are dumbed down is a pretty lame ad hominem attack. ....

After spending the afternoon with the nephew watching 'stickman' flashes on the net and gunning down outlaws on the PS2 version of Red Dead Revolver, I am the last one to harbor intellectual snobbery.
I guess the "" PC "" thing to do is to "neutralize" and de-personalize the subject.

... console games... ad hominem ...

Is there a Latin scholar in the house?
Perhaps a pre Vatican 2 priest?
Anyone have the Pope on autodial?

How do we handle 'hardware' in english via co-opting a latin phrase ?

"'Ad hominem" is just too personal.

Something "machina" no doubt.

And it would take a 'deus ex machina' for me to pull a latin phrase out of the air that would pacify the "insinuation" in Sause's ad homenem about ad hominems and get the focus on the hardware and the software of the

- perceived market -

for these consumer items.

It's the marketing, the impersonal clustering of sales prospects that
projects the least common denominator for one group and punishes the other demographic and their hardwarer specs.

It's these decisions that dumb down the expectations of the console players.

It's these financially based choices that dumb down the PC versions of game titles.


Perhaps to "neutralize" and de-personalize the subject is buying into this marketing 'hive mind', so after chasing an intellectual 'tail' , I suppose Sause's 'personal' touch is more hand's on , and I will get to
this: we get our vote at the point of sale. Do we buy it or not?
Buying the consumer items, "buys" the concept behind the structuring of the hardware, and the design of the entertainment software.

And perhaps my ideal of 'voting' is a 'leap of faith', so maybe I could still use that priest .

How many pc gamers even own consoles? I don't, I didn't even own a television until last week though.

I'm finally next month gonna get a ps2 but it's to play front mission 4 and whatever koei games are out. I know that I would boycott any console version of fallout that wasn't incredible.

Actually though, the more I think about it, the more a deux ex style rpg'ish fps wouldn't be so bad. I just don't think it should be called FO3. It could be like, FO: Duck and Cover or some bs.

Maybe they will make a flight sim with those enclave jet copter things? Vertibirds or something like that they were called?
Mr. Teatime said:
Fable, Jade Empire are both 'action RPGs'. Consoles and PCs are DIFFERENT.

But i doubt you guys can say you think Fable looks totally uninteresting.
(to clarify, i'd slit my wrists if FO3 was anything like it, and the newest console i own is a psx, wich i mostly use for playing a NES emulator i downloaded from someplace)
Is there a Latin scholar in the house?
Perhaps a pre Vatican 2 priest?
Anyone have the Pope on autodial?

How do we handle 'hardware' in english via co-opting a latin phrase ?

"'Ad hominem" is just too personal.

Something "machina" no doubt.

Eheheh that left me puzzled too :)

And yeah, i have a PS1, a PS2, a Gamecube, a GBA, a GBC and a lot of emulators, i don`t have nothing against consoles per se but still i`m not impressed, Morrowing gameplay and interface is much simpler that the ones from the Fallout games.
Kahgan said:
My guess is that people that play console games are usually(remember, I said *usually*) younger people...and young people are mostly dumb people...

Here let me fix that:

My guess is that people that play console games are usually younger people...and people are mostly dumb...

There. Fixed. :twisted:

As I see it it boils down to Attention and Cheapo hardware.
Console gamers, IN GENERAL (which means nobody specifically) had a shorter attention span. (but Statistics warps reality, like a black hole)
Consoles are made of Technology YEARS out of date effectively. Except for the GFX systems. usually.

NOTHING is stopping Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo from making Mice & Keyboards and other fancy interface devices for their Consoles. Heck Ninitendo has done more then the other two combined in that department. However it looks like they are on a razors edge in terms of marketshare. Why becasue Consoles are SUPPOSED to be the LOWEST common denominator basically, and the average joe can't/won't understand this standard elegant interface for Computers with GUI's. Becasue consoles rarely have or need these things becasue Control pad's/Joysticks don't do them well.

Its a Chicken in the Egg thing. Can't have one without the other. a Catch-22...Argh!

A (wireless?) Keyboard and a Mouse would allow a perfectly Fallout like gameplay experience on the Console, heck PS/2 HAS USB ports and so does Xbox! USB keyboards are like $9 and Mice $10.

So basically unless Bethseda does a Fantastic job porting (and YES its a port, if a game is made Multi-platform) we are likely to be stuck with a bad interface. and no Green Text Terminal thingy in the Pipboy status bar. mabey.
The interface will be really hard to do, the main concern people have with making the game for multiple platforms is that usually the PC version doesn't get any special treatment. This means that they make the game fit into "each" platform in regards to limitations/specs etc, which means we usually end up with the finger in the ass.

Yes. This is why Morrowind was such a huge fucking disappointment for me.

It was more than obvious halfway through the development of the game Bethesda was acquired by satan (Zenimax) and they decided to pop the good old middle finger at PC gamers and create something that resembles Daggerfall's retarded bastard half-cousin because porting to the x-box generated more sales.

Not only that, but it's pretty much obvious that the decision to put it on the X-box dominated the motivation behind making the game what it is today.

I bought a 3.2ghz machine last christmas and it was only -then- that I found Morrowind ran acceptably on any pc. Which is just disgusting. The elder scrolls was never about fancy visuals. They basically took the hopes of all Daggerfall fans and sold out to the drooling morons who just bought a shitbox.
There is nothing wrong with consoles they are a quick plug and play system and cost less than high end graphics cards for (insert appropriate expletive(s)) sake however any console Port should be just that a Port adapted for console not made at the same time the Pc user should come first and his/her game should be made first.

Also you are wrong about morrowind TES 3 it runs fine on a 2.1GHz you probably just had a faulty hardware setup. Example meverwinter Nights runs better on my dads 1.2GHz full everything every official expansion pack etc than my 2.1 because he had an N-Videa not a Radeon (most probably.)