How did you get your nick?

Pope Viper

This ghoul has seen it all
Thought it might be interesting to see why people chose the particular nick they did.

For myself, it's a story that goes back to my BBS days back in the mid eighties.

At the time, I was known as "Viper" (pretty generic, I know), and was in the middle of a heated debate, where I made a rebuttal by saying "If so and so happens, then I'll be the next Pope".

Well, so and so, happened, and from that point on I was the "Pope".

Anyone else?
I like Magnum PI. Murdoch was my favorite character. Also a cool name from the pseudo-group Gorillaz. It just sounds cool too, IMO.
I thought I made it up...

Then I found out Darkfox was as generic a Furry name as Steven is a generic boys name... my name is Steven... I'm so damn generic...
A character in a novel I started and am not sure where it's going. Also the name of a character in the book, the Thin Red Line- which is a great read.
When i first realised the meaning of "Grim Reaper-his appereance means death.So does his touch." i know it was perfect for me.
I got mine from two old screen-names. ExtremeDrinker (because I used to drink heavily on a daily basis) and RynoBones (a play on my real name) So now I've got ExtremeRyno.
I used to be called King, something I got from a war novel. But that lost its flavor and I grew tired of it, then I remembered Paladin Solo from Fallout Tactics: BOS. So I'm going to keep that name.
I had a Flatline barrel on my paintball gun, and I thought I kicked ass with it. The 666 is an addon because I registered as Flatlinedeath here before but something was fucked up with it so I had to make a new account.

Plus people are generally offended by 666 and I'm an asshole.
Malkavian said:
I used to play a lot of "Vampire - The Masquerade."

No LARP'ing, I hope?

I got my nick from a real life nickname I earned from physically assaulting people with gallon-sized milkjugs.
Milkman said:
Malkavian said:
I used to play a lot of "Vampire - The Masquerade."

No LARP'ing, I hope?

I got my nick from a real life nickname I earned from physically assaulting people with gallon-sized milkjugs.

Well, at least I'm not the craziest one around here!

I don't suppose you were playing the role of drunk college kid at the time? :lol:
I never really got into LARP'ing.

My group mainly just sat around the pool table, shooting the shit and having fun with the game. We were never ones to take it too seriously. We went camping at least twice a month, too. That was a lot of fun, being out in the woods around a fire, role-playing until the wee hours of the morning.
Mine's a random collection of syllables. The original collection of syllables was "Toresico", but I decided to make it Toresica becuase that sounded more feminine.
When I first made a screen name it was Trawets, which derives from my last name.
I took this nick when I joined the Order in '99. It's from Star Wars. (Like I would have taken it from the bible =P)

<boring life story>

I've had a few other nicks. On the old BiS boards I was "Seed of the Dweller" for a while. Hanukin said that to the chosen one in FO2 one time, and I thought it sounded cool.

When Tone left the Order and stuff, I kind of quit too among lots of orderites, but not to join his clan. (I made my own FBGEN thingie). When that went down the drain, I came back to the order under the alias 'Darion', which I took from the main character of this really fat fantasy novel I've never finished. Then I switched back to Luke after half a year or so, and everyone thought I was a really funny guy for pulling such a genius thingie.

Before I encountered Alderon, I called myself Alderaan at a few boards (Leias home planet in Star Wars). Lately, I have been calling myself Gromnil on warhammer related forums, which is a fine piece of metal forged by the Dwarfs.

</life story>
Wow, Luke. I never realised how big of a nerd you are.

No, wait, I knew it all along.
Mine is my real middle name slightly altered to make it appear slightly East European as I've been told I look kind of Slavic, especially when I user to wear my old fur lined Russian border guards hat when in winter.