Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Hi. I'm new here. And I love playing Fallout 1 and 2. I like the first the best for the story mainly. And I wanted to make a new content mod for it. But the deal is I've never made a mod for a game before. I want to make a new content mod for it that includes at least 30 new quests, 10 new locations, and maybe 6 new items or so. One of those locations would be Vault 17 (Mentioned by Lily in Fallout New Vegas), Dayglow, Jackal settlement, and Viper settlement. I have a good name for the mod and maybe making either personal or to be distributed. Can anyone tell me how I can mod Fallout 1? I'm doing this to make the game more worth playing and to take some of the suck out of it (Not that it ever sucked cuz it's a great game some mods just make it better). And also it'll give the player the chance to reach the level cap in game instead of using save editors or running around the Core Region shooting at everything. So can anyone help me?