How do I read the .int files


It Wandered In From the Wastes
How do I read the .int files. I open them with my c editor and it's just gibberish.

EDIT: I guess that I have to decompile them in some way but how and with what?
If you want to modifie the original fallout 2 files, download the fallout 2 mapper. It comes with all (uncompiled) scripts. To compile the scripts, you should use FSE.
I have the mapper and FSE but I haven't the complier files. I want to be able to open .int scripts to see what's in there so I can make my own. I have looked for watcom but it dosn't exist anymore so... What to do?
Well.. you can compile the scripts with FSE and you don't need Watcom.

And you can not open the int files easy. You have to decompile them first. But after that, you also need to fix some things in the file or you can't recompile it (afaik).

You can find some de-/ compiler here in the file section.
How the blazes did I miss that one? Thank you, but if I copy a script, decomp it, steal some stuff, put it in my script and comp that script. every thing's fine then?