How do i survive a mutant patroll


First time out of the vault exactly do i go about in killing a mutant patroll without being shreadedby miniguns?
Cast Ghost Armor and Stoneskin.

Wait, this is Fallout.

Wipe out all the pathetic supermutants in one turn! Use a turbo plasma rifle and aim for the eyes!
Sounds like you need some power armor...ask around at the Brotherhood to get some. (Warning it does entail some quest work.)

Either that or go first and have a rocket launcher'll knock them back and apart far enough to where the muties will waste their turn walking back towards you for a decent shot.

The Vault Dweller
Next time, do this too. We don't want to spoil the game for him, do we?

If you rescue the BOS initiate from the Rough Guards at the Hub (they're in a building a little to the southwest from the gun shop in Old Town), you can go to the Brotherhood and get Power Armor. You have to have access to the BOS though, which means you have to have already gotten the disk from the Glow. The Rough Guards aren't anywhere near as tough as mutant patrols. If you've got combat armor and an assault rifle you can beat the RG's.

You really need Power Armor to beat Super Mutant patrols, it's the only armor in F1 that can stand up to minigun fire.
I have power armor, And I have done most of the quests...I have found millitary base, but whenever I get a patroll on me...well..boom.
I can't take em because they always kill me, or ian, or tycho, or dogmeat...
They always blow me to smithirines

Me and tycho have a sniper rifle
Ian has a shitty little desert eagle, but I might give him a 14mm or whatever that gun is (12-22 dmg)
Im also considering giving him a ripper...but
A. I dont know if he can weild it
B. I dont think it will be to smark to make him go into close range combat with a crazy super mutant carrying a minigun.

Ive got acess to about evverytrhing...BOS, gun runners, etc...I just need a stratagy to beat the crap out of those bastards
Perhaps you are very unlucky and the muties keep scoring criticals on you, buut other than that, you should be pretty safe from minigun fire.

Have your armour hardened in Bthe Boneyard. Also, NPC's aren't very useful at this stage of the game, you'll have hell of a time keeping them alive, it's only possible with a very well-constructed combat character.

Anyone remember if feeding them Psycho worked in the first game?
Btw i am in the first game...fallout 1 that is

Every time they fire burst with their guns at me we get raped..

Edit: Wow...i dont know..I have 7 luck...and i just found the talking brahmin and crashed UFO in a row...yay an alien

"You were hit for 92 hit points"
And then I die...and there were 2 more minigun weilders..
how can i kill these things..?
killaer said:
how can i kill these things..?

Plasma to the eyes!

Weird, PA should protect you from minigun fire pretty well. Can you post your damage resistances and tresholds?

Maybe you're a victim of a strange proto bug.

At any rate, you can try boosting your Outdoorsman skill to avoid desert encounters, and there are nearly bloodless ways of destroying the base.
That is weird, PA should protect you from minigun fire- they only do 7-11 damage a bullet, and PA's damage threshold is 12. You really shouldn't be taking any damage... IIRC, JHP ammo's damage modifier is applied after the initial damage calculation, so that can't be the problem.

Like Silencer said, maybe it's a bug... the levels of damage you're taking sound more like you're wearing combat armor, if anything. Any chance we can get a screenshot of your DT/resistances, or maybe you can just post what they are?

You just got the Alien Blaster, huh? It's a good weapon. If you're still using a Sniper Rifle like you said earlier, I'd recommend switching in the AB. If you have the Energy Weapons skill, that is.

Edit: Don't think there are any spoilers this time, heh.
I switched as soon as i got it... (I am in love with it)
Well, I dont know...whenever they burst on me They take either no damage, or they just murder me...usually its the later.

Also how do i post a screenshot?
1. Take the screenshot by pressing F12 key in the game.
2. The file with the screenshot will be in your Fallout directory, named scr?????.bmp where ???? are numbers
3. Upload the file to a hosting service such as
4. Use the forum thumbnail link (copy it) to post a thumbnail here.

STFU Wooz, we're trying to resolve a serious technical difficulty here! :P
Well anyway, I got past my problem easy. Just went and upgraded everything, and now i can shread mutant patrolls in a snap :)
Does he mean upgraded as in increasing skills, or upgrading equipment? Because really, the only non-stat upgrades in F1 are PA to Hardened, and Plasma Rifle to Turbo... And those don't make enough difference for you to go from getting mauled to kicking ass in one step.
If he means he hadn't leveled up enough, of course he was getting shredded no matter what he wore. Oy.

You miss Super Mutant patrol.
You miss Super Mutant patrol.
Super Mutant Patrol critically hits you for (insert large amount) damage blah blah.
(Ron Perlman taunts you)

I'll bet you've seen and heard enough of that for one lifetime, killaer.
hardened power armor and turbo plasma rifle made loads of difference. I actually think that the turbo plasma rifle is WAY better than the alien blaster, because it can snipe from a nice distance...*visualizes death animation with bloody mess* he he he
You're right, I just got those two upgrades again in F1. I'd forgotten just how good the bonuses were. My mistake... and yeah, the Turbo PA is better than the Alien Blaster- though the AB is definitely the best energy weapon before you get it.
The bad thing with it though is that as fast as you fried a mutant with a minigun, plasma rifle, etc. the other unarmed mutants would rush to pick it up..not that they got there in time...he he he