How do I use Mezmatron on Susan Lancastor without alerts?


First time out of the vault
I am doing that mission for Paradise Falls. Whenever I try to enslave Susan Lancastor, she cries for help as soon as I tell her to go to Paradise Falls, causing all Tenpenny Tower guards to attack me. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I use the Mezmatron or whatever it is called, on her.
Try going into her room at night, shutting the door and then mezzing her instead of mezzing her in public.
That's interesting. I mezzed her in public. She did what I told her and ran to PF. I fought off a few guards and escaped. After only 2-3 gameworld hours everyone at Tenpenny had forgotten what I had done.
I let the ghouls into Tenpenny Tower first and lost my chance to get Susan but I had the same problem with Red in Big Town.

I found mezzing her in her house and then sneaking outside to fast travel elsewhere worked like a charm.
Oh, I just remembered that I did have a problem with Lancaster once. I told her to go to PF and she agreed, but all she did was run up to the door and then stand there for eternity.