How do NPC reactions work in Fallout?


Still Mildly Glowing
When your character meets someone for the first time in Fallout, the engine rolls against your Charisma to determine whether the NPC likes you or not. I also know that Karma is included in these calculations, but I don't know how it works exactly. Can someone explain it to me? Is there a formula for it somewhere?
Hi there, Davaris.
Please have a look at MODREACT.H (it is shipped with the original mapper), you'll probably be able to make out what you need. I never heard of a real formula here on the forum. If it's what you really, really need then you'll have to wait for a real programmer, or someone who acked the original .exe. The fine folks of Teamx could know something more.
Keep up the good work with O. S.
See you.
In Fo1, a simpler system is used. It checks karma, CH and some perks and reputations the very first time you meet someone. You have to be really evil/ugly or good/handsome to get anything other than a neutral response, and in any way, it hardly matters for anything.

In Fo2 the system is in theory more detailed, and the reason it only is so in theory is because it's largely unused, thereby mattering even less. Yay.

I never heard of a real formula here on the forum. If it's what you really, really need then you'll have to wait for a real programmer, or someone who acked the original .exe.

No, all reaction stuff is done in scripts.
In Fo1, a simpler system is used. It checks karma, CH and some perks and reputations the very first time you meet someone. You have to be really evil/ugly or good/handsome to get anything other than a neutral response, and in any way, it hardly matters for anything.

Hmmm... Maybe I'll have to think up my own one then. I'd really like to vary reactions depending on Charisma and Reputation so you are treated differently each time you play.

In Fo2 the system is in theory more detailed, and the reason it only is so in theory is because it's largely unused, thereby mattering even less. Yay.

Yes I just got the mapper and had a look at the reaction mod. I thought it was overly complicated to say the least.