How do you feel about Boone?


First time out of the vault
At face value, a reticent, repentant former stone-cold killer with a death-wish seems like a pretty troperiffic character (I could name a bunch of characters who fit this arch-type, chief of which, Jack Bauer), but he never strikes me as totally cliched to the point of annoyance.
At first I sort of feel sorry for him and understand his wish to die but.......maybe he's kinda over reacting
None of the other 1st Recon guys want to die due to guilt. Maybe Boone is over reacting
And Boone if your reading this STOP STEALING MY KILLS > : |
Well, you gotta see what he had to do about his wife too.

That and that first recon incident, its pretty hard.
AWildmann said:
Well, you gotta see what he had to do about his wife too.

That and that first recon incident, its pretty hard.

Of course Bitter Springs affected him, but he was able to continue his life more or less.
Having to shot his own wife was what finally break him.

No wonder he acts like a robot, there's nothing left in the man anymore.

[ ]'s
He is a very tragic character in my eyes. And a believable one. Not to be rated good or bad.
An anti-hero...
agiel7 said:
At face value, a reticent, repentant former stone-cold killer with a death-wish seems like a pretty troperiffic character (I could name a bunch of characters who fit this arch-type, chief of which, Jack Bauer), but he never strikes me as totally cliched to the point of annoyance.

Thats because 90% of these charachters (especially Bioware) have some tragic event that in the end only boils to "Tough on the outside, soft on the inside" Which is nowhere near believable. Boone however isn't like that.

Of course on the other hand this makes tons of fangirls unhappy who want to "fix" that rough man completly. :roll:
the first time I saw him pull out motor-runners chainsaw from his backpack and wade thru 5 enemies untouched, I forgave him for being such a downer.

all told, he's probably my favorite of the recruitable NPCs with Cass pulling a close second.

I find both to be believably written, well made artistically and their motivations and history mesh nicely with certain elements of the setting in NV that I think really capture the feel of the older games/west coast fallout canon.

They are really two of the better looking faces in the game too and neither gives off the generic gamebryo npc face vibe that a lot of the inhabitants of the wasteland suffer from, and which describes pretty much everyone in fallout 3.
Boone's great. I like war stories and he just hits all the right notes without coming across as campy or a caricature. He's just, well, realistic.

I wish the end slides weren't Gamebryo shots, though, the engine doesn't do the characters justice.
Tagaziel said:
Boone's great. I like war stories and he just hits all the right notes without coming across as campy or a caricature. He's just, well, realistic.

I wish the end slides weren't Gamebryo shots, though, the engine doesn't do the characters justice.

Agreed; I would love to see New Vegas' characters in painted pictures for the end slides; it would make the ending more poignant.
It would also have been nice if instead of the slides (I know they are tradition, btu a little change is not bad) they were little sequences, like Boone Headshoting a fiend for his "Gets peace, Independet Vegas" ending or Giles geting shot from off screen and then Boone slowly walking to her corpse with gun in hand, then it just cuts to a static shot with the narration.
I like Boone. Gave him the Gobi and he seemed to enjoy that. But if I give him Knock Knock,he just beats the crap out of that.

Been with me throughout, but I just wish he had a bit more dialogue.
A really nice guy who knows how to kill people in a split second.
Joke aside, his Bittersprings connection in general is greatly written inside the story. And that old lady in Novac...never have i suspected her, it was pure luck i wanted to lockpick every safe out there.
But i would have liked to see him one on one with Legate Lanius.