How do you guys feels about the Fallout World’s Psykers?

Do you guys think Psykers should be brought back?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Hell No!

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
Nope. I take the same route with this that I do for UFOs or other supernatural oddities in that very vague allusions or some sort of easter-egg like special encounters can be done well if handled tastefully but nothing beyond that. You want something weird and odd, but you don't want established lore or rules or something that actually affects the world or story in an impactful way.

Psykers in Fallout would fundamentally change the setting and not in a good way. Superpowers and magic ahoy. No thank you. Sawyer and Avellone have it right.
I only voted ‘yes’ because I thought it’d be an interesting concept to see in a limited scope. I wouldn’t want them to become the post-apocalyptic version of...wizards or anything though.
I wouldn't be surprised if they made the Mc a psyker and made them into shouts and shit, not that I wouldn't want to be Maud'Dib but I don't feel confident the current devs could bring the concept to fruition in a competent manner.
I do think they could have came back and even been a main character if run by a competent developer. But we are talking about Bethesda. So Psykers would be horrible and once introduced would never go away, with mobs tossing magick spells ad nauseum.
They should’ve put them in 76. Id just like to see how Bethesda would handle them. Plus, 76 is already hated so it wouldn’t matter if one more stupid thing got added in.
Psykers in Fallout would fundamentally change the setting and not in a good way.
But they have always been there since the beginning. Though it is one thing to have some shitty latent psychic abilities or going full Scanners and making people's head a'splode. I dug all that fucked up stuff you go through when you walk down the hallway to go the Master's lair, so I'm totally fine with the idea some Kuato looking mutant doing psychic stuff. However I'm pumping the breaks on the idea of using Mind Shouts because you are actually the Brainborn foretold in the legends of Vault 3.
But they have always been there since the beginning. Though it is one thing to have some shitty latent psychic abilities or going full Scanners and making people's head a'splode. I dug all that fucked up stuff you go through when you walk down the hallway to go the Master's lair, so I'm totally fine with the idea some Kuato looking mutant doing psychic stuff. However I'm pumping the breaks on the idea of using Mind Shouts because you are actually the Brainborn foretold in the legends of Vault 3.

It's true but they also played such a minor role I imagine a fair few people totally missed them, and they get pretty quickly swept under the canonical rug.

I just think it's a Pandora's box for the setting is all. Just like with aliens and ghosts I'm not categorically against it, but it needs to be done subtly and tastefully.
However I'm pumping the breaks on the idea of using Mind Shouts because you are actually the Brainborn foretold in the legends of Vault 3.
You're going to be the God Emperor of the Wasteland and don the form of a Deathclaw.

I think there are cool elements of the Universe that need more love:

- Mutants (Ghouls and Super Mutants are so, sooooo tired already)

- Cyborgs

- Psykers

I think Psykers should be done subtly. Remember: Fallout is not Warhammer 40k or Star Wars. I feel Psyker powers in Fallout should be generally discrete. There is no Warp, or The Force. Psyker powers come from the mutated or technologically altered brain of exceptional individuals, not from a nifty external source. They should't be commonly know, the very knowledge they exist should be restricted to a few informed individuals and groups, like X-Files stuff - imagine an organization like the NCR having paranormal investigators.

When the peasantry comes undeniable psyker powers, their reaction should be that good ol' standby - "WITCH! SORCERY!" Cue the pitchfork and torch.

Psyker powers should't be very showy in the Fallout universe.* It should have that aura of "maybe yes, maybe not." A lot of stuff should look like it "just happened". Pissed off a pyrokinetic? Your magazine just ignited into flames and started popping off. How? Must have been a bad batch. Fired a burst of bullets at a telekinetic and not a single hit? Clearly you missed all these shots, right? ... right? Why is that guy dodging all my punches like he knows them in advance, even through I'm so good I could beat Mike Tyson and George Foreman together on their peaks? Clearly he is just good at fighting.

And using those powers should come with a lot of strain for the user.

*externally, I mean. If your very perception is getting attacked by a psyker, shit should get positively wack. As in, "I no longer have any idea of what's real anymore."

And set The Master as THE Psyker in-universe, with a second like Calvert or the Scorched Queen. Essentially, if you want to reach the epic bullshit tier, you need to transcend the limitations of the human body and become... some aberration that's not quite human anymore.
I'm fine with psykers. I think the way they were handled in Fallout 1, New Vegas, and yes, even 4, were good examples. However Fallout 2 and Tactics did it really poorly and too "in your face".

It needs to be subtle, and the powers can't be too powerful. Same sorta thing with ghosts and aliens.
How about somebody who was horrifically mutated by the radiation to become a super powerful psychic that uses their powers to warp the area around them into the idealized version of their home town before the bombs fell? a point to whomever knows where I stole that from.
I only want mutants with three tits in my Fallout game from now on.
How about somebody who was horrifically mutated by the radiation to become a super powerful psychic that uses their powers to warp the area around them into the idealized version of their home town before the bombs fell? a point to whomever knows where I stole that from.
Twilight Zone, the episode called “It’s a Good life”.
Season 3, episode 8.
How about somebody who was horrifically mutated by the radiation to become a super powerful psychic that uses their powers to warp the area around them into the idealized version of their home town before the bombs fell? a point to whomever knows where I stole that from.
Can I get my point now?