how does he get the pipboy?

I thought they were rolling with the story of Mitchel being the ex-Overseer of 21, after getting the boot from House when he won it in a card game and turned it into a casino.
Wait how does the boot buy him a pipboy? are these toxic res boots like from fallout 2, if so then i guess the barter values are decent.
VivaNewVegas said:
Wait how does the boot buy him a pipboy? are these toxic res boots like from fallout 2, if so then i guess the barter values are decent.

*slaps forehead*
Getting the's a figure of speech meaning to get kicked out, thrown out, ejected, exiled, banned or otherwise removed from a place or position...
In FO3 they said it is impossible to remove the Pip-Boy from the owner, either Doc Mitchell found a way to remove his own Pip boy or he gives the courier a "new" one that doesn't belong to anyone

*Please correct me if I have any grammar mistakes, I don't pay attention to it when I'm typing fast
The Great Fondango said:
VivaNewVegas said:
Wait how does the boot buy him a pipboy? are these toxic res boots like from fallout 2, if so then i guess the barter values are decent.

*slaps forehead*
Getting the's a figure of speech meaning to get kicked out, thrown out, ejected, exiled, banned or otherwise removed from a place or position...

This was my favorite exchange in NMA history
They go back in forth about if the pipboy 3k can be removed or not, because even thought they say in dialog it can't, one can see in game that it seems fairly easy for the character to have the pip boy over the cuff of the clothes they're wearing.
KillerBee256 said:
They go back in forth about if the pipboy 3k can be removed or not, because even thought they say in dialog it can't, one can see in game that it seems fairly easy for the character to have the pip boy over the cuff of the clothes they're wearing.

Bethesda still owes us an explanation about this...
Well, OBVIOUSLY the doctor is in with the Enclave and vertibirds over to DC, assassinates the Lone Wanderer, loots the Pipboy, and flies back to the outskirts of Vegas.

This will explain why the in-game model in NV will exactly match the one in FO3, especially with the scratches and wear in the exact same spots.
Mapex said:
Well, OBVIOUSLY the doctor is in with the Enclave and vertibirds over to DC, assassinates the Lone Wanderer, loots the Pipboy, and flies back to the outskirts of Vegas.

This will explain why the in-game model in NV will exactly match the one in FO3, especially with the scratches and wear in the exact same spots.

They took ALOT of textures, models, etc. from FO3
Big Danny K said:
KillerBee256 said:
They go back in forth about if the pipboy 3k can be removed or not, because even thought they say in dialog it can't, one can see in game that it seems fairly easy for the character to have the pip boy over the cuff of the clothes they're wearing.

Bethesda still owes us an explanation about this...
Of all the things they need to answer for, this is low on the list. :roll: Regardless, I don't see why the don't just use the Pip-boy 200 again as a map/quest interface like in the first 2 games and integrate the inventory/stats into it. This way it will retain the style. but using a full screen UI instead of a crappy little wrist-mounted thing.
Big Danny K said:
Mapex said:
Well, OBVIOUSLY the doctor is in with the Enclave and vertibirds over to DC, assassinates the Lone Wanderer, loots the Pipboy, and flies back to the outskirts of Vegas.

This will explain why the in-game model in NV will exactly match the one in FO3, especially with the scratches and wear in the exact same spots.

They took ALOT of textures, models, etc. from FO3
That was the joke, yes. :P
KillerBee256 said:
They go back in forth about if the pipboy 3k can be removed or not, because even thought they say in dialog it can't, one can see in game that it seems fairly easy for the character to have the pip boy over the cuff of the clothes they're wearing.

The pip boy doesn't go over any part of the clothes.
The pip boys are passed down from dead to young vault descendants. Does the Pip boy magically "unlock" when a vault dweller dies? Do they have to saw dead vault dwellers' arms off to get to it?

I think it was just a dumb excuse to tell the player "Oh, btw, you can't unequipt and lose this."

"Regardless, I don't see why the don't just use the Pip-boy 200 again as a map/quest interface like in the first 2 games and integrate the inventory/stats into it. This way it will retain the style. but using a full screen UI instead of a crappy little wrist-mounted thing."

Eh. this is a problem on a variety of standpoints. I'm all about bringing back stuff, but that would involve overhauling the interface by a massive degree. One, they would have to redesign/awkwardly force the functionality of the controls for gamepads (which the majority of FO:NV players will use). Another issue is the problem of dramatically changing conventions that FO3 players are used to. In reality, Bethesda made a working interface for their last title, so to completely throw out what works that took months to create is sort of silly.

Though, I think finding a easter egg pip boy or an unusable old pipboy in FO:NV would be nice fan service.
Why would you have to change the controls? the B button could still open the pipboy the interface would just be different. Which would mostly be pointless since Bethesda spent a good deal of time making a nice looking interface and it'd be a shame to throw it out and start over.
DirkGently said:
Why would you have to change the controls? the B button could still open the pipboy the interface would just be different. Which would mostly be pointless since Bethesda spent a good deal of time making a nice looking interface and it'd be a shame to throw it out and start over.

Sorry, I meant that they would have to change how the pipboy functioned in relation to the physical controler (gamepad), not how it is to be brought up. Cause the old pipboy was meant to be used with a mouse and keyboard, introducing a gamepad to control that is sort of designing backwards.
Except most menus can be adopted to console use without any real difficulty? It's not like it'd be particularly complicated to do, this happens all the time with ports.
DirkGently said:
Except most menus can be adopted to console use without any real difficulty? It's not like it'd be particularly complicated to do, this happens all the time with ports.
Ports are the devil. They usually start console first and then get ported over to the PC, causing the PC controls to suffer horribly.

The PipBoy 3k is fine as it is but definitely has room for simplification.