How does the rank system work in FOT?


First time out of the vault
What I want to know is what do you have to do in order for your characters to gain ranks? Does it go by kills, or XP?
Ranks as in what?

if you are talking the Generic ranks like initiate to General then there are two things you have to do.

1 - Do all the side quests, and do them well. There are some things people have not cleared up yet, like some people believe saving the ghouls is a negative hit on your rank because Barnaky makes a fuss about hating ghouls, but others disagree. I dont know myself honestly.

2 - Charisma and Perks. The higher your charisma, the higher your rank will be, period. However, their is a perk, maybe 2, that raise your rank. "brown noser" being one.

If you are talking about the karma one "savior of the waste" or whatever they are, then basically just make good moral decision like saving ghouls, and dont kill any merchans outright. Only use poison or overdosing = /

Edit: AFter i read your post again i realized you said "characterS" Your squad members other then the leader do not gain ranks. (sucks) unless you use brown noise which is useless for them.
slicer17 said:
Your squad members other then the leader do not gain ranks.

Are you certain of that? I seem to remember my squaddies gaining ranks, albeit slowly. On the other hand, my memory of FT is tainted at best. Can someone confirm this?

Not that it counts, of course. Your character's rank is the limit.

You can also search the forum for a description of a "reaver bug" that allows you to switch your character for a Reaver general. Or something like that.

At any rates, do the quests well, minimise ghoul casualties when defending the device, get ALL the fusion batteries etc. This will net you promotions.
Are you certain of that? I seem to remember my squaddies gaining ranks, albeit slowly. On the other hand, my memory of FT is tainted at best. Can someone confirm this?

Yes, this is the reason I'm asking, because some of my party members have gone up ranks. The thing is, they go up really slow, if any at all, so I was wondering whether you had to do certain things in order for them to gain ranks.
Huh, ive gone through FOT atleast 3 times, and i have never seen a squad member gain rank. I have always played in 1.27 and ive played with 3 squaddies through to 6 squaddies...

To my knowledge i have never seen them gain rank ever.
I just started a new game yesterday, and Farsight became a Senior Initiate after mission 3 or 4. On my game before that, Jax went to Senior Initiate also.
wow i had no idea.....

Well, to my knowledge, group member rank has no effect on anything, but, the way to gain rank for them is probably the same way to gain rank for yourself.
Dark-Sarevok said:
I just started a new game yesterday, and Farsight became a Senior Initiate after mission 3 or 4. On my game before that, Jax went to Senior Initiate also.
Mission 3 is about the first time Farsight earns a perk, are you sure that you haven't given your recruits the brown nose perk? ;)

Other than using brown noser I've never seen a recruit gain a promotion, the actual mechanics of getting promoted are IIRC gaining enough experience to level, gaining enough reputation points to reach the next reputation level, completing at least some of your objectives and some triggers that mark the mission as complete when you go back to the bunker.
im still skeptical about that actually happening. i have never seen it happen once, and i am the type to pay attentiont to these types of things.

Thanks for the backup requiem.

Can anybody deny or support these claims?
100% absolutely positevely sure that NPC's rank up at a much slower rate than you.
I ended the game with Rage being a Knight.
Party Member Rank

Ok so i noticed that your team members(stitch etc.) do not go up in rank through the entire game. I would like to know is it possible to make them rank up and if so what do i have to do?
Hmm couldnt I make a trigger in the mapper to give all my squadies brown noser after a certain mission, and then again after another mission and so on. (could someone tell me how to do this ^. I couldnt find anything in the triggers section.)

Hmm I'm also gona get rid of that whole if you piss of the bunker you lose. I'm going to try and make it so that if i piss of the bunker all other bunkers automatically hate me. Then I'll try an make some encounters were the BOS track you down.
Perks can't be assigned via triggers.

Promotions/demotions are tied to reputation and only the main character gains/loses reputation points.

If you want to discuss modding the game we've got a whole forum for that. Though if you make all the other bunkers hate you then how will you get more missions?
If you attack the BOS then you obviously have no wish to serve them anymore. So, I suppose you wont be getting anymore missions. And I apologize for bringing up modding in this board i was just saying whatever came to mind.