How good is this gaming PC?

Hey guys, just an update, I ended up building a much better computer for about the same price:
8gb RAM
i5 3470 3.2ghz
msi OC 7950 3gb DDR5
coldroll said:
TheWesDude said:
i would look at the i7 line again

and the gpu, yea try to find something in the $150 range.

and make sure your PSU can power that GPU

and what i prefer for hard drives

250 gig for OS, 10k RPM

and then either another 500 gig or more 10k rpm 250gig hard drives.

10k rpm hard drives are barely faster than 7200rpm hard drives he'd be better off getting a second ssd or a 7200rpm hard drive.

people who say 10k rpm hard drives are not worth the upgrade from 7200 or even 5400...

reminds me of the people who say to get a 650-750 watt power supply and that will be fine.

if you do not know why a 10k rpm drive is going to be much better in the long run than a 7200 or 5400, or why saying 650-750 watt power supply is more than enough...

you dont know why probably because you have never had or used one where it matters, or do not understand why your advice is inherently flawed :)

and to be honest, i dont really blame you for it, i prefer to blame places that make people think "if you can click a mouse, we can teach you how to part out and put together a home computer!".

a 10k rpm drive is always much preferred for a hard drive.

the total wattage of a PSU is only a tertiary or quadrary concern, there are other numbers that are much more relevant and important.

LED monitor is a LCD monitor.

black to white for a LCD monitor is nice, but the important number is the grey to grey.

16x10 monitor is almost always better quality than 16x9

plasma is better than lcd