How I (kind of) justify Fallout 4's lore breaks


First time out of the vault
I like to believe the SS is slowly going insane throughout the course of the game. With watching their spouse die, waking up to a completely destroyed world with horribly mutated creatures, losing their son, etc. I believe the Commonwealth took a toll on the mind of the playable character. This also works as a way to "justify" all the lore breaking things Bethesda has done. For example, "Kid in the fridge" can be seen as a crazy hallucation from the guilt of losing his son, or the Cabot house quest can just be one crazy hallucation that didn't even happen. This is further justifiable if you go to that lab that has hallucation gas everywhere, making it that you can wave all lore inconsesties as the SS just seeing things that aren't really there (alien in the cave and the ufo crash for example).
The SS's sanity degrades even more from all the time spent at the island during the events of Far Harbor (it's said in game staying in the fog for a long time drives a person mad). I believe with all the shit the SS went through, along with the fog, it completely snapped the SS, so by the time Nuka world is played, one can argue that the character has completely lost it and has turned fully insane and evil. I personally find role playing this way makes the game more enjoyable and the lore breaks don't bother me as much. While it's kind of cheap to label everything has a hallucination I find it better then to attempting to justify all the lore breaks throughout the game. What are your guys thoughts?
hehe, nice try. But there's no ambiguity or hidden irony whatsoever in the universe of F4, only black and white morals. There's hardly any transcendency involved. So it doesn't remotely look like a madman's dream in my opinion, and its inconsistencies ( logical or ideological ) are there by accident. The only dreamlike sequence i can think of - again by accident - is the ridiculous prologue which is like a real life tranquility lane right before the bombs fell. But even there, the game's aesthetics are simply not interesting enough to justify its stupidity.
No, i'm pretty sure the game sadly wants you to accept what you see as being realistic. You would think that things so unconvincing would have to be metaphors, but there isn't any indication of that.

Even the magic stuff like the gypsy psychic or the place where they alter your memories are meant to be taken literally. Kid in the fridge is no exception.

PS: By your post, i assume your brain just wants to justify the crap it's receiving so that you can keep enjoying the game. It is normal. Suspension of disbelief can only go so far though, so i wouldn't. Instead, accept the game as is and treat it like minecraft, to get the most of it.
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I like to believe the SS is slowly going insane throughout the course of the game. With watching their spouse die, waking up to a completely destroyed world with horribly mutated creatures, losing their son, etc. I believe the Commonwealth took a toll on the mind of the playable character. This also works as a way to "justify" all the lore breaking things Bethesda has done. For example, "Kid in the fridge" can be seen as a crazy hallucation from the guilt of losing his son, or the Cabot house quest can just be one crazy hallucation that didn't even happen. This is further justifiable if you go to that lab that has hallucation gas everywhere, making it that you can wave all lore inconsesties as the SS just seeing things that aren't really there (alien in the cave and the ufo crash for example).
The SS's sanity degrades even more from all the time spent at the island during the events of Far Harbor (it's said in game staying in the fog for a long time drives a person mad). I believe with all the shit the SS went through, along with the fog, it completely snapped the SS, so by the time Nuka world is played, one can argue that the character has completely lost it and has turned fully insane and evil. I personally find role playing this way makes the game more enjoyable and the lore breaks don't bother me as much. While it's kind of cheap to label everything has a hallucination I find it better then to attempting to justify all the lore breaks throughout the game. What are your guys thoughts?

The game is garbage even compared to the fucking old STALKER games.

The game is garbage even compared to the fucking old STALKER games.
I'll S.T.A.L.K. you to death if you don't stop bringing STALKER as some borderline low merit for an open-ended FPS. If anything, modern Far Cry suits better. And yes, Far Cry did open world better than Fallout 4.
I'll S.T.A.L.K you to death if you don't stop bringing STALKER as some borderline low merit for an open-ended FPS. If anything, modern Far Cry suits better. And yes, Far Cry did open world better than Fallout 4.

I like to use STALKER because it IS a good game.

And of all people who made it, it was some Russian/Ukrainians who were probablly drunk all the time.
Honestly, a game needs to be good for me to bother hand-waving.

I can hand-wave some of the ridiculous stuff Fallout 2 does because it's a fun-enjoyable game.

Handwaving a crap game like Fallout 4 seems pointless, when you can just pretend it doesn't exist.
Honestly, a game needs to be good for me to bother hand-waving.

I can hand-wave some of the ridiculous stuff Fallout 2 does because it's a fun-enjoyable game.

Handwaving a crap game like Fallout 4 seems pointless, when you can just pretend it doesn't exist.

Wait, Fallout 4? There's no such thing.
Huh...Well, they do kinda hate Anti-Fallout 4 circlejerk, but that is what half of this forum is about. XD

See this I don't get. I thought the whole point of NMA post-2008 was to circlejerk how awful Bethesda's vision of Fallout is. I joined specifically to circlejerk about it. Have they not PLAYED Fallout 4? Do they not comprehend how mind-numbingly awful it is?
See this I don't get. I thought the whole point of NMA post-2008 was to circlejerk how awful Bethesda's vision of Fallout is. I joined specifically to circlejerk about it. Have they not PLAYED Fallout 4? Do they not comprehend how mind-numbingly awful it is?

They know how bad it is, the thing is that circlejerking over the same stuff for years kinda annoys them...
They really should've played this up. There's already questions about the Courier's sanity, why not go all the way for the SS?
Careful, an admin might lock the thread for saying stuff like that. They did for mine.
Most admins would agree with you.

It's just Tagaziel, an admin who just so happened to become a Bethesda fanboy after working with Shoddycast, and looks for any excuse, even if it means interpreting a thread literally, to shut down threads he doesn't like.