How is your more funny and ridiculous die in Fallout 2????


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Post here how you died when you was playing fallout 2!

I will put one!

I was playing for the first time, and I was in Klamath, testing the wonderful thing, that everybody call STEAL. So, I was cauth and all the Town was charging me... when that son of a bitch of a kid, throw a Cocktail Molotov in me, and I died with that death animation with a hole in the body and one amr lost!!!! Damt, it was my first play!!! Killed by a KID!!!!! What a hell :(

Buuut, post here your funny die!!!!! :D

(One more time... sorry the english!!)
I remember in fallout 1... the first time i ever played it, i JUST left the vault, i was on my way to vault 15, and hit a random encounter where i was surrounded by radscorpions. That was the shortest fight in history.
I remember I was trying to open the door in Fo2 temple of trials with the plastic explosive. I was playing in hard combat/game and I had around -10 traps, and I set the detonator to 0:10, so as soon as I dropped it and exited inv. it blew up.
First time playing F2, I ran away from some ants in the ToT right into a radscorpion then tried to go H2H with all of them. Not smart.
I had one where I was punched out of the screen from a critical hit from a Centaur.

And I had another one where a remnant of the master's army punched a hole in me. (Bug?)
Got sliced in two once by a mutant with a laser rifle, in a random encounter. Zzzzzaaaappp! Still think it is the most horrible way to go.
The first time playing FO2, which was my first Fallout game, I decided to "explore" the region south to Klamath and Arroyo. With the pipe rifle and a leather jacket, i managed to get through the hermits, warriors and other tribal freaks to run into an Enclave patrol. Just had the time to read I was violating some restricted area before being ripped to shreds by the power armored trooper's minigun.

After that, I left my Christopher Columbus-esque explorer ambitons for "later in the game".
I was playing a girl with real low enduranace. I got to Reno and one of the girls called me a name. I responded with a kick to the head and I quickly got whore-pimp ganged up on. How pathetic.
I was in klamath, helping Torr protect his bramin from the boogy men.
With 2 HP left, I tried punching one of the radscorpions in the eyes... I critically missed and killed myself.
I remember i was at the Sierra Army Depot, i loaded the howitzer and fired it righ at the exact second that Marcus's lyrch ass stumbled in front of it. POW i think it did like 500 damage to him as he exploded into a million pieces.
I don't know why I find this so amuzing, I take Jinxed with many of my characters for these.

"lesser scorpion critically missed and took 2 hit points, knocked down and hurt himself"

I guess I love trying to imagine what the scorpion did wrong that would cause that kind of outcome.
Funniest way to die? I don't know. Once I set the timer on a plastic explosive because I wanted to plant it on that hubologist in NCR, but I forgot to place it his inventory. There was this one time when I thought I could explore all of the Glow without taking any anti-rads. I died on my way back to the BOS. Once I played a character who really sucked in combat, and I died to one of the plants in Hakunin's garden! One of the PLANTS! Finally, in Fallout 1 demo I decided to take on both Crypts and Fools at the same time. It didn't go too well for me, especially when Rayze took out his minigun.

@Rat God:
This is my turf. Beat it.
Foolish immitation rat!

Can't you see that this cave isn't big enough for the three of us? If you must stay, you must prove your worth to us.

Initiation step #1.) Find me a year's supply of cheese and then repeat for Ratty

Once this has been done, you may continue to step #2.)

P.S. The scorpion is just clumsy and stabbed himself in the back, okay? Don't pick on the poor critter...
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Most ridiculous death for me was last night. Left Arroyo, hared over to Modoc and shafted Miria. Silly me, only had 5 CHA and hadn't done any favours for Modoc, so I effectively raped her.

Her dad wasted me.

With his fists.

In one of my recent games as a stupid character i was pummeled to death by a gang of kids with rocks for trying to steal a flower or something equally ridiculous...

but i still think the most satisfying death i've ever had in the game would be...
"Miria was hit for 850 hit points, congragulations you have successfully extracted her brain"...

how can you not love this game?
Gustav_Drangeid said:
I was in klamath, helping Torr protect his bramin from the boogy men.
With 2 HP left, I tried punching one of the radscorpions in the eyes... I critically missed and killed myself.

Exact same thing, but i was boxing.
but i still think the most satisfying death i've ever had in the game would be...
"Miria was hit for 850 hit points, congragulations you have successfully extracted her brain"...

Uhauhauahu. Mantis, that was great!!!!!