How many NPCs can you have in your group at most?


First time out of the vault
I do several searches and found no one mentioned THIS topic, so I'm here to write down long text.....well, anyway, spare me if I post an already-existed issue.


Well, as far as I'm concerned the answer, in a unmodded FO2 1.02 patched version, should be --

Sulik, Vic, Miria/Davin, Cassidy, Lenny(the ghoul), Marcus, Myron, Brian Bot(The Skynet), Cyberhound(the cyberdog in NCR), Goris, K-9, Dogmeat, The Pariah Dog. And for those temporary NPCs, Laddie can follow you aroung the continent, while Smiley/Xarn can only be with you in a limited map.

So the maximum of a group is 15(16 if plus yourself), minus Laddie and Smiley/Xarn, or if you like, remove the Pariah Dog. The exact number of your teammates is 12.

The way to gain all the NPCs demands a small glitch in New Reno -- yeah sleep with Mrs Bishop when you're full and leave the third floor to see your followers vanish into the air. Now you can recruit more cannon fodders.

And after you got a 5+5 team (half with you and half in the casino, um, maybe they got stuck between the ceiling and the floor...), you can go inviting Miria/Davin and K-9, for they do not care your team size.(the case for K-9 is probably a bug, hmm). And add the Pariah Dog if you like(I'm just not "lucky" enough to meet it)

Now go back to the casino, make another exciting love, and go downstairs only to be siezed by your own group.....sheeee-it! Now you have a shit-load of NPCs! It is true that "more than five is always a crowd".......

Some notices:
1.Side effects:
Once you finished the big recruiting, of course, you are not supposed to let anyone of them "leave for a while", as long as you want to keep the team's size. And, while the vanished half are actually "with you", they cause problems when you enter Vault City and NCR(but it will not let you get bullets in Navarro, hmm).

The problem in NCR is perhaps less annoying as long as your visible group don't waving weapons in the downtown.( the police always warn me but seldomly initiate combat, uh, be ware of the one at the gate of bazaar, he MAY ATTACK you.)

The one in the VC is really nuisance since everyone will in a bad mood if you carry a "mutant". So my opinion is to get Marcus and Lenny in your second 5 group(thus you can drop them temporarily), and finish all your business here as soon as possible -- finish the GECKO problem and the Lynette-Westin quests. Become captain of the guard if possible.

2. As long as you haven't "summon" your first half group back, don't attend boxing-match in New Reno and the fighting-Lenny quest in NCR bazaar. At least in my game the second one made my invisible teammates re-appear. Strangely enough, they didn't turn up until I reenter a place from the world map. -- This will ruin your following plan! So avoid them.

3. Save your exps, do not level up too quickly.
The vanished NPCs do not level up properly or it is just me. Anyway, at least do not level up too much before you got all of your NPCs(those can level up, of course), just to be safe.

4. Recommanded Stats:

Your CH should be at least 7, which means with the help of the mirrored shades and two doses of Mentats you can reach the 5-number limit. Well, in fact you can always do the S/L-chem trick to boost your CH to 10 from whatever 1 or 2, but in that case you really should use falche, uh, maybe.

You should tag at least Science since you need 120% to get the cyber-brain in SAD, and you are to restrict your level. I also tag Speech, and small guns of course -- you need to attract the firepower for your whole group! I do not object you to use an unarmed fighter and TAG small guns in late game, since I found unarmed really useful this time.(Well, laugh at me that I choose Bruiser as my second trait......Ahhh, I just think that Mutate! it into Fast Shot will be stunningly effective, while it makes my early game totally awful....)

5. Recommanded sequence to get NPCs:

Considering the VC problem, Lenny and Marcus should be in your second five. It doesn't matter who else should be what part of the group, but since you will face some tough battle against the raiders and in the SAD, maybe you should put Goris and the dogs into the vanishing list. You can drop all of your NPCs in New Reno , since they will not move and you can choose freely before the "vanishing". That sure sounds like a little skill, and you don't need Mentats until you are ready to get a full five.

K-9 is a little bit tricky if you do not want to waste Navarro at that time. (You will need him to join when your group is already full, which will make the soldiers attack you) You can solve it "peacefully", however.

First leave your group behind(a full but not an over-crowded one, I do it when I'm with my second half group), go down the base, get the quest, free the Deathclaw, kill the doctor, and which is important, use your Super Stimpak to kill the guard....well, that cute "Snookie". She has about 90 HP so you'll have at least 10 Super go get the Motivator and leave the base.
Now make your group full(whatever 5 or 10 or 11) and go down the base through the air vent, use the Pass Key to open the door and active K-9.....Misson accomplished.

Well.....I'm just curious to get all of the NPCs in my team. And I've become much more pacifistic thanks to Goris' Start/End Battle animation.... ah you little deathclaw.....:twisted:

This is the end line, well, thanks for watching, and please forgive my perhaps poor English :lol:
Why in hell would anyone want 12 teamates, excluding random encouners??? Each door would be a 20 min puzzle :D
As long as no one shoots you in the back, your army of NPCs can wipe out almost anything when you have those kind of numbers.
Forgotten said:
Why in hell would anyone want 12 teamates, excluding random encouners??? Each door would be a 20 min puzzle :D

Try the FOB-NavCom passage in SF, it *SUCKS*, badly :wink:

Fez said:
As long as no one shoots you in the back, your army of NPCs can wipe out almost anything when you have those kind of numbers.

Nope, as long as I don't have enough money to equip them up.....Yeah most of them are wearing leather armor now.

I am so afraid that the strategy of my team would be: "Goris charge, Marcus burst....." Aiiiieeeeeeeeee!

And...also, I might have post in a not proper forum? I think it will fit "General Fallout Discussion" better.....Ouch.
No this is okay, considering it's gameplay stuff.

I think it's alright trying to have so many in your group, but a little unwieldy, even in randon encounters. I just stick to Myron for science, Vic for repair, Cassidy for combat help, sometimes Marcus for combat help, and never ever have Sulik, or any of the dogs. Goris until he gets killed. That's it. You can even have power armor for them if you find enough.

My two cents...
Wait, does that really work? I'm a bit you said yourself, NCR and VC guards still notice NPCs that went up in smoke. This seems to show that they're still being detected as in your group. New NPCs should detect this too and should not join you because your group is full. Or am I missing something here? Bug?
Kharn said:
Wait, does that really work? I'm a bit you said yourself, NCR and VC guards still notice NPCs that went up in smoke. This seems to show that they're still being detected as in your group. New NPCs should detect this too and should not join you because your group is full.

That was my initial reaction as well, but it does work that way - invisible NPCs do not count towards the party limit but can make their presence felt in other ways. I confirmed it for the invisible Goris when he returns to V13. Seems like I will have to boil this piece of NPC craziness down to some sort of guide note.
It seems Per has given an answer earlier than me, by a few minutes, yummy. :P

That sure seems like a script difference -- the Enclave in Navarro do not care the vanished NPCs, either.

The VC script may consult the status of Lenny and Marcus seperately, to see that wether they are "with you" or not. But when in Navarro and when you invite NPCs the script only care your "current NPC numbers", which can be reset to zero by the BUG, and the script don't care in fact how many NPCs are "with you".

well I'm not a programmer nor something so I can't provide something more clear....But the simplest way is to try out yourself. Just meet your NPC limit and trigger the bug, and go to recruit a new companion, it will do.

I've got a savegame and screenshots, if you need.
I have Sulik in my party and I just payed to free Vic. However, when I try to recruit him he says "I'd love too, but you don't have enough room." Am I supposed to have only one npc at a time or is this a glitch? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I think you might be a bit to low on charisma.....:)
The more Char you have the more NPC's you can bring....
The number of NPC's you can have is half your Charisma, rounded down I think, +1 for Magnetic Personality.

So if your character has 2 or 3 Charisma, you can have only one NPC, at least until you improve yourself.
ahh. thats not good. is there a way to raise my charisma? should i keep playing like this or will i suffer enough that i should remake?

Hello, nelso.

There are a number of ways to increase your charisma, but most
of them are later in the game, unless you 'skip ahead' (most
people call this cheating, but I do not).

You should at least try to continue playing with the character you
now have. The beauty of Fallout is that there are almost no bad
combination of character stats/traits (I said 'almost') and you
might find you enjoy playing a 'loner' type of character.

If you want to know anything more, feel free to PM me. I'm far
from being an expert at any Fallout game, but I have played it far more than any person should play a game. :)

You can increase your Charisma temporarily by 2 with Mentats. Also, there's a module that boosts your Charisma permanently by 1, a perk that boosts it permanently by 1, and an item that boosts it by 1 as long as you're wearing it.
To Mr.Anderson: Yes. At least it makes combat more *chaotic* and *lasting*.
I think a quick try will explain everything clearly.:P

Way to boost your charisma:
1. 2 Mentats, or if you feel like, save and load to take unlimited Mentats.
2. Computer module in SF, Brotherhood bunker. Permanently +1
3. Lv 12 Perk "Gain Charisma". Also Permanently +1
4. Perk "Magnetic Personality", increase your NPC number limit by 1. Way I see it act as Chrisma +2, since you can not get "5+1" teammates by it.
5. Keep a "Mirrored Shads" in your active inventory slot gives you +1 Charisma. This one can be found in Golgotha, as well as on Mason's corpse.