To lose weight, that is. I've always been in good shape, but over the past few years I think I may have let it get to my head and I managed to gain about 7kg. Most of it seems to have collected in my belly, although I probably have beer to thank for that... 8)
Anyway, for the past few weeks I've been cycling outside for a half-hour every morning. Because of my (previously) active lifestyle I never had to worry about any of this, so when I started researching I was horrified to learn that I could be wasting my time. Every article I read seemed to imply or infer that I was an idiot for thinking this would help me lose weight. Apparently, I need to double my workout time simply because I'm cycling outside instead of on a stationary bike, and I need to eat half of what I normally eat except in five or six portions a day, and that food has to consist of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, and I shouldn't exercise after I had just eaten or if I'm ABOUT to eat...and jesus fucking christ the list just goes on.
I just want someone to pat me on the head and tell me that these things are written by people that devote their free time to making people like me feel bad with their crap lousy internet articles.
*sigh* /rant off
I live by a nice big park, so when I bike I can just bike around it without stopping. Is 30 minutes a day, every day of the week not enough for weight loss? I know it's healthy in other ways, but I don't give a shit about the other ways. I want to get rid of my beer gut!
Anyway, for the past few weeks I've been cycling outside for a half-hour every morning. Because of my (previously) active lifestyle I never had to worry about any of this, so when I started researching I was horrified to learn that I could be wasting my time. Every article I read seemed to imply or infer that I was an idiot for thinking this would help me lose weight. Apparently, I need to double my workout time simply because I'm cycling outside instead of on a stationary bike, and I need to eat half of what I normally eat except in five or six portions a day, and that food has to consist of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, and I shouldn't exercise after I had just eaten or if I'm ABOUT to eat...and jesus fucking christ the list just goes on.
I just want someone to pat me on the head and tell me that these things are written by people that devote their free time to making people like me feel bad with their crap lousy internet articles.
*sigh* /rant off
I live by a nice big park, so when I bike I can just bike around it without stopping. Is 30 minutes a day, every day of the week not enough for weight loss? I know it's healthy in other ways, but I don't give a shit about the other ways. I want to get rid of my beer gut!