How often do you run away from encounters in FO2?

I like to goof around in New Reno so I could generally go from Klamath, I mean not even any quests completed. I stop there and save, then head down to the den and kill flick and get that .44 revolver. Then I would leave then den, still no quests done and make my way down to Reno.

One time I shot a man in reno just to watch him die. True story.

Also some good traits to have if you absolutely must get to New Reno to try and become a pornstar are fast shot and gifted. Gifted is like the Fallout cheat trait. Also 10 agility which means with the revolver you get from flick with 10 ap you can get two shots per round of combat. Also I ran my ass off to if I was outnumbered or out gunned. Then once I some highyway men got killed up near the den and I looted a FN-FAL off one of the bodies. and some leather armor, which I sold. Having that FNFAL sure helped making the trip to reno easier.
I can travel around the Fallout 1 world map just fine as well. I get a random encounter hear and there. But its not so bad. Its enjoyable.

But I also remember back when I first played Fallout 2 (I played Fallout 2 first because I got it first) I remember not getting so many random encounters. I mean traveling between New Reno and other places further south was a little difficult. But not bad. I had Version 1.0 of the game. I believe it was the version of Fallout 2 that shipped in 98. Well in 2007 I bought the Fallout 1 and 2 value pack bundle that had the dual jewel case sticker. It was $10 in stores. Well it came patched to 1.02 and I noticed the encounter rate was a little higher but still not quite as bad. Of course I was playing this on a older pentium 166 back then.

Now just a week or so ago I tried to play Fallout 2 on my Acer Apsire 3000 laptop with a 1.6 gig CPU and I noticed the world map travel speed was super fast. Well this bothered me since my past experiences with Fallout 2 were not like this. So I came here and complained about it. The people here helped me out and told me about Killaps patch. I downloaded it. It works great. The world map travel speed finally looks normal again. But the encounter rate was a little too much. I mean a random encounter on every square. So I complained and Killap told me the file with the info I had to tweak.

This could possibly be your problem. Im just taking a guess. in The ddraw.ini file I have my random encounters set to 85, thats 85 up from 30. Anything greater then 30 makes lesser encounters. Try that. Since I set it to 85 its a little better now traveling the world map. You just ave to tweak it thats all. Its not hard. Once you do it you will see. It gets better.