How often do you steal?

I understand stealing from people's property, but stealing from people themselves... some call that mechanic retarded.
In Arroyo I used to spend hours following a gecko while planting and stealing broc flowers.

Used to level nicely with that trick, and if you got caught, well, the gecko's didn't seem to mind.
Unless it's locked stuff in someones house I never considered it stolen, cause they didn't care enough to lock it up. Other then the Vagrants in the tanker, is there anything worth stealing that isn't actually a merchant's inventory placed on them?
Sephis said:
Unless it's locked stuff in someones house I never considered it stolen, cause they didn't care enough to lock it up. Other then the Vagrants in the tanker, is there anything worth stealing that isn't actually a merchant's inventory placed on them?
10mm pistol on Smitty in Den
Thievery is a great source of stimpacks early in the game. They're always too expensive to buy... And if you're a gunslinger type, ammo is best acquired through theft, as it's also quite expensive. Even melee characters should steal ammo, since you can trade it for books or armor.
I only steal the flint from my aunt. I don't need to steal, I have tons of ammo. Not now, because my car disappeared... :'( I fight around Navarro, and San fran. There are expensive weapons, that I can barter for ammo, stims and super stims, and any other chem. I have more than 300K money, and more than 150 from all of the chems, even if I'm not a junkie. I have never addicted to any chems. :) If I kill 4 hubologists, than take their inventory, I acquire 2 8K weapons, ~100 caseless ammo, ~20 small energy cell, a power fist 2200gold, and some plasma nades 300/p. Plus the little change money. And because of my barter skill, this is more than enough to buy ammo for 2-3 months. And this is only 1 encounter around san fran, no karma cost. So I don't need stealing. :) I'm a good boy...
I never steal. It's bad to steal.
I don't have problem with killing people and taking their stuff that way though :lol:
I steal EVERYTHING from EVERYONE. This can be a serious pain at times from all the loading and reloading - but my steal skill is quite high anyway (well over 100%)

I also try to sell EVERYTHING I don't want - for cash, drugs, things that don't weight anything but have value, or (less often!) things I actually need.

Therefore, I end up hoarding loads of crap. :D
Magellan said:
I steal EVERYTHING from EVERYONE. This can be a serious pain at times from all the loading and reloading - but my steal skill is quite high anyway (well over 100%)

I also try to sell EVERYTHING I don't want - for cash, drugs, things that don't weight anything but have value, or (less often!) things I actually need.

Therefore, I end up hoarding loads of crap. :D
and so do I too :D