How old are you?

How old-

  • 11-20

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 51-60

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 61 +

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dirt Nap time

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ugly John said:
Now or back then?
Now of course...

Ugly John said:
oh and it just accured to me, i think i did her sister's best friend too or she was watching, don't quite remember if it was with her that i've done that.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, is it just me or is there a kindergarden feel of this place all of a sudden... :lol:
Gunslinger said:
Says you old man! If you had it your way, this place would be a morgue!

Now, now be nice to uncle Odin. Or it's no more iguana-on-a-stick for you!
Hey bud! How the land down under treating you?
Still in parliment? or has looking at the who's more sexy thread all day got you fired?

sure took someone a long time to notice it :P
Ugly John said:
Still in parliment?
No, now I am just another nameless, faceless minion in the South Australian public service. In short, I do little work, am over paid and file stuff every now and then¹.

Ugly John said:
or has looking at the who's more sexy thread all day got you fired?
Actually, in Parliament, we could look up as much pron as we liked. It all came under "research" on "issues of sexuality".

PIPBoy2000 said:
DU, yet, you didn't vote....

I don't believe in being forced to vote out of such a limited range of choices, hence diluting my actual opinion or view on the matter. Until 9 AND A HALF is a stand-alone option, I will continue to voice my protest silently by not voting.

¹By "file" I may potentially mean write "file" on said item and stick it in someone elses' in tray. Said person may then leave said item in said in tray for several days before said item actually gets filed. Once said item is filed, said item will likely never be unfiled, meaning we may as well throw the shit out, but we don't, because we like to think it's important. In fact, by throwing said shit out the realisation that the work we do is of so little importance may in fact, completely overwhelm us and force us all to commit suicide. Looking on the bright side, I get paid for this.
Nine and a half is the average mental age of a South Australian. Over here in West Australia we'd have put him in a home by now.
Man! Most of you are so f*cked up, being over 20 and still not doing anything more usefull than playing RPG's.

Off course I'm f*cked up too, being 23 and my greatest accomplishments in life going levels up in games.

Where did this all start? I bought my first pc in 1992 and since then a vague blur till this moment.... Where have I been... Is this.. What happ... Huh? What is this you talk of? Pen-ti-um?