how to become a terroist:

yeah i know some facts, not all of them, but i know what's been going on the past 50 years if that's what you mean.
The main problem in cases like these is perception. Both sides, Israeli and Palestine, are so absolutely certain of their own correctness they see every event through the prism their side of the conflict offers them. Regrettalby, perhaps - but understandable.

In the end, it's hard to 'side' with either of the two combattants. The Jewish have the right to their own nationstate, and the Palestinians naturally have a right to their ancestral lands. The fact that both for a long time wanted all or nothing of Palestinia makes it of course unworkable.

Aegis - yes, a lot of peace settlements have been proposed. Take in mind though, that most of those settlements were all but fair towards the Pastinians. Yes, they were offered 60% of the land - all the desert land. You can't really expect a people to accept something like that, and damn themselves to poverty for an unforseeable time in the future, can you? I was, personally, pretty touched by the images of Palestinians seeing their own sea for the first time in their life after the Israeli military left the Gaza strip. And the fact that the Palestine refugee question was never answered makes for a logical point for rejection too.

So anyway - either side is wrong, and either side is right. It's sad to see that another generation is raised to defend their rights by force, and not by reason.
aegis said:
who said anything about us being supreme?
You did:
aegis said:
if jews would act like that there'd be much less arabs in the world. if jews would act like that there'd be much less arabs in the world.

aegis said:
and who said anything about every one of the palastinians being terrorists-you see? that's what real propagenda is-twisting one's words.
No, real propaganda is feeding people false information or misrepresenting other people to convert them to your side. Something you're doing too.
What you did say, however, was that the Palestinians were only lead by extremists. Which is only true for a part of the populations, and that part would be the ones sympathising with terrorists.
Gee, how strange, the ones who like terrorists, follow terrorists. *gasp*

1-i didnt say that, i said that they were controlled by terrorists, the majority of the NON-terrorists being led by the terrorists, see the diffrence? ok i guess not-so here's some facts, araft didnt really care about his people, otherwise he would use the finance he got to build better lives for his people. the terror organization extort the goverment and threaten every pallestinian that lives there to live by thier own code. that's being led means, it means you continue to suffer under your own people which are obusing you for thier own intrests.
Ie. Arafat was an arse. No shit, sherlock.

2-oh so they train only a 10% of thier children, let us all give credit to the community who does that. the other 90% are cool about it, they have nothing to say, they're really neutral about all that.
There are terrorists. These terrorists train their children. Again: what the hell did you expect?
Yes, this is extremely poor, but hey, you're no saints either. It's not like the extreme colonists are much better than that.
Of course, this in no way excuses them, but it does mean that you should look at the Israeli community too, and not just at the Palestinians.
3- its not generalizing its what it is-otherwise they would have behaved a lot less violance against us, and they would honor our agreements with them, apperantly you continue to ignore those facts and choose to answer only those you think you know the facts, so good for you.
Let's see, a part of the Palestinian population ignores the agreements and bombs the hell out of the Israelis. This means that all of the Palestinians are led by terrorists.
You do know the meaning of generalisation, don't you?

aegis said:
i dont associate myself with those people, but thanx for generalizing me, i only brought pictures so you could see the other side but i guess all you care about is justifying your incomprehension of the israeli situation.
Yes, and the only thing you seem to care about is putting the blame with the Palestinians.

aegis said:
i need no sympathy from an anti israeli extremist such as yourself, and i fail to see how pictures which the palestinians took themselves to show thier grandchildren is a propaganda. just look at the parade of children holding weapons, like its something to be justified, for god's sake, you should point your sympathy toward them and not us, because they are doing that to themselves.
See, the problem with those pictures, is that it only shows that people train their kids to be terrorists.
Wow, gee, I could never have guessed that terrorists would want other people to become terrorists too.
In effect, this is only saying 'They have terrorists!' Well, no shit sherlock, I thought that those bombs just magically appeared on buses.

oh those poor extremists, lets all protect them so they could conquer israel and rid us of the jews in the world, wouldn't you like that?
No, he (and I) sympathize with the Palestinians who are not extremists who suffer because of the Israelis. We also sympathize with all the innocent Israelis that get hurt because of Palestinian bombings. There are two sides to this, aegis.

oh and those poor pallestinians kept thier end and bombed us on every peace treaty we ever offered them :roll:. let's just all close our eyes and wait after the pallestinians all bomb our children and finish us, don't ever dare to protect yourself from the poor defensless terrorists. poor assisinated terrorirsts hiding behind children.. double :roll:

you're probably blind or you've been fooled by the media like anyone else, but get your facts straight at least-even now after the retreat from gazza they are bombing us without any provacation from us, and that happened on every other occasion for the last 50-60 years, but i guess from your point of view it is impossible to see.
Do the words '2 sides' mean antyhing to you? Yes, there are still Palestinian bombings going on. There are also still Israeli retaliations. The main problem with these things is, is that they create a vicious cycle. People die on one side, and then that side feels that people on the other side have to die as well. Both sides are the problem in this case.

[quote="aegis" espcially if you see video clips like the link i sent you which you dont even care to look. pictures don't lie, the media does.[/quote]
So you're saying that that site somehow does not consitute a part of the media?

aegis said:
how convient of you to ignore everything i'm laying out to you, yeah you can do that again to show us again and again how much you're listening.
Where do you start to presume that he didn't look at it? You can't know that, since he didn't comment on it, besides saying that it was Israeli propaganda.

hah, like if your country was attacked by terrorists you would find another way to protect your borders, but i guess you don't really have any roots after leaving israel, and no country is worth defending? the fact that you've been to israel shows exactly the opposite -how ignorant you are about the facts while you've been there.
here is another thing you don't know-
when you see poor people living in misery you would immdiatly rush to think someone is opressing them, but no one ever thinks they're doing that to themselves.
The reason you're in this mess is because the Israelis were very aggressive when they first settled in Israel. They antagonised, and they presumed that this land was destined for them. In fact, they still do. They feel that the land is for them, and them alone. That pisses off a lot of people.
Now personally, I feel that both sides have fucked it up a long time ago. The palestinians by suicide bombing everything they can, the Israelis by not being very flexiible and peace-seeking for a long time. When they started to seek peace, Arafat was being a fucker, and then it was all too late. Now, the vicious cycle just continues.
and the retoricans continue...

Sander said:
aegis said:
who said anything about us being supreme?
You did:
aegis said:
if jews would act like that there'd be much less arabs in the world. if jews would act like that there'd be much less arabs in the world.

you put my words totally out of context: i said that if jews would act like the arabs there weren't only 5 million of us in israel and 500 million of them.

No, real propaganda is feeding people false information or misrepresenting other people to convert them to your side. Something you're doing too.
What you did say, however, was that the Palestinians were only lead by extremists. Which is only true for a part of the populations, and that part would be the ones sympathising with terrorists.
Gee, how strange, the ones who like terrorists, follow terrorists. *gasp*
yeah so? they all support terrorists hence they are led by them, so if its soooo obvious to you why do you think its so easy to make peace with them?

Ie. Arafat was an arse. No shit, sherlock.

so is abu-mazzen which is defies the holocast. so is every terrorist organization which are leading the pallestinians.

There are terrorists. These terrorists train their children. Again: what the hell did you expect?
Yes, this is extremely poor, but hey, you're no saints either. It's not like the extreme colonists are much better than that.
Of course, this in no way excuses them, but it does mean that you should look at the Israeli community too, and not just at the Palestinians.

cool so if we can expect terrorist to behave like that they can be expected to be assasinated, and how exactly do you find the israeli community wrong besides what you say they are wrong? facts please.

Let's see, a part of the Palestinian population ignores the agreements and bombs the hell out of the Israelis. This means that all of the Palestinians are led by terrorists.
You do know the meaning of generalisation, don't you?

the fact the 80% of the pallestians are non-terrorists, with all the moral implications here, don't come first when it comes to the israel's saftey.its very unfortunenate that a pallestinian kid gets blown because he was near a terrorist building-but its really hard to target that way. wouldn't you think so if that was your country?
or you still claim that talk is relevant after 50 years of failure to negotiate?

Yes, and the only thing you seem to care about is putting the blame with the Palestinians.
how can i prove a point if i support all points?

See, the problem with those pictures, is that it only shows that people train their kids to be terrorists.
Wow, gee, I could never have guessed that terrorists would want other people to become terrorists too.
In effect, this is only saying 'They have terrorists!' Well, no shit sherlock, I thought that those bombs just magically appeared on buses.

it shows they have no moral problem in educating children at this age to be trained as terrorists and to learn to hate "the enemy", great way for peace and prosperty in the pallestinians side.

those are the same terrorists which are leading the way to peace, because, as we summerised most pallestinians are being led by the extremists.

begining to see the pictures clearly?

No, he (and I) sympathize with the Palestinians who are not extremists who suffer because of the Israelis. We also sympathize with all the innocent Israelis that get hurt because of Palestinian bombings. There are two sides to this, aegis.

of course there are two sides, but who do you think causes this problem when 1 side continue to educate for war and hate...
i.e. see tel aviv for "war and hate"
or, ask yourself hypothetically "how to make peace with a terrorist nation?"

Do the words '2 sides' mean antyhing to you? Yes, there are still Palestinian bombings going on. There are also still Israeli retaliations. The main problem with these things is, is that they create a vicious cycle. People die on one side, and then that side feels that people on the other side have to die as well. Both sides are the problem in this case.

could you please inform me of the specific event which triggered any escalation which was caused by the jews extremists?
for instance-no event triggered the bombing, no event triggers the bombing in lebanon after the retreat, no event triggered the bombing unless you count retaliating against terrorists as an act of escalating.

So you're saying that that site somehow does not consitute a part of the media?

no, it just shows some other side which you most probably missed because of the real likeness of world media toward israel.
if you think the media is neutral and acts upon pure journalism...well..

Where do you start to presume that he didn't look at it? You can't know that, since he didn't comment on it, besides saying that it was Israeli propaganda.

everything i'm saying is israeli propaganda, if you consider someone saying something in favour for one side.
if you start from this point at an argument it is pointless to continue.
that's why i'm trying to show the other side, is there anything wrong with that?

The reason you're in this mess is because the Israelis were very aggressive when they first settled in Israel. They antagonised, and they presumed that this land was destined for them. In fact, they still do. They feel that the land is for them, and them alone. That pisses off a lot of people.

that's not the reason, the main reason is the arabs hurt ego and thier thirst for power, the fact that 7 countries failed to conquer israel is an insult to them, well tough luck, but jews got a right to have thier own stinking country(which she is a rather stinky at the moment) but at least its thier country. and fuck them-they had zillion chances for peace and they wanted the whole pie.

and they still do.

Now, the vicious cycle just continues.

you godamn right about that, but its better than before in anycase because at least i hope the world saw that israel isn't led by extremists.
aegis said:
you put my words totally out of context: i said that if jews would act like the arabs there weren't only 5 million of us in israel and 500 million of them.
Then what did you mean by that?
Let's try again, shall we.
There are more Arabs than Jews (fact).
The Arabs have not annihilated the Jews.
You postulate that if the Jews had acted the way Arabs had acted there would be a lot less Arabs.
Since the Arabs apparently haven't really succeeded in decreasing the amount of Jews, one must assume that you mean that the Jews would have been better. Hence you postulate that Jews are superior to Arabs.

aegis said:
yeah so? they all support terrorists hence they are led by them, so if its soooo obvious to you why do you think its so easy to make peace with them?
They all support terrorists?
Again: that's called generalisation.

aegis said:
so is abu-mazzen which is defies the holocast. so is every terrorist organization which are leading the pallestinians.
Wait, are you saying that people who say that the holocaust never happened and that people who bomb others are arses?

Again: what the fuck is your point?

cool so if we can expect terrorist to behave like that they can be expected to be assasinated, and how exactly do you find the israeli community wrong besides what you say they are wrong? facts please.
What the hell are you saying? I just explained to you in which ways I find the Israeli community lacking. And I have no clue what you tried to say in the first part of that sentence.

the fact the 80% of the pallestians are non-terrorists, with all the moral implications here, don't come first when it comes to the israel's saftey.its very unfortunenate that a pallestinian kid gets blown because he was near a terrorist building-but its really hard to target that way. wouldn't you think so if that was your country?
or you still claim that talk is relevant after 50 years of failure to negotiate?
I'm not talking about bombing accidents, am I? in fact, I never talked about the Israelis accidentally killing civilians. I have been talking about Israelis attitude and general military actions, this has jack shit to do with their accidents.

aegis said:
how can i prove a point if i support all points?
Ehm....I don't even want to know what you were trying to say here.
it shows they have no moral problem in educating children at this age to be trained as terrorists and to learn to hate "the enemy", great way for peace and prosperty in the pallestinians side.

those are the same terrorists which are leading the way to peace, because, as we summerised most pallestinians are being led by the extremists.

begining to see the pictures clearly?
What I am beginning to see clearly is that terrorists have no moral problems with teaching children to be terrorists.
Gee, must I again say that this does not surprise me? I really never thought of terrorists as people with a high moral fiber.

aegis said:
of course there are two sides, but who do you think causes this problem when 1 side continue to educate for war and hate...
i.e. see tel aviv for "war and hate"
or, ask yourself hypothetically "how to make peace with a terrorist nation?"
What you're saying now is this:
'There are two sides, but look at them!'
In other words, you're still only looking at them.

aegis said:
could you please inform me of the specific event which triggered any escalation which was caused by the jews extremists?
for instance-no event triggered the bombing, no event triggers the bombing in lebanon after the retreat, no event triggered the bombing unless you count retaliating against terrorists as an act of escalating.
I never spoke of one specific event that triggered bombings, I spoke of a cause. There's a difference, learn it.

aegis said:
no, it just shows some other side which you most probably missed because of the real likeness of world media toward israel.
if you think the media is neutral and acts upon pure journalism...well..
I never said I did, nor do I think that site you gave me was neutral. The truth is probably somewhere in between. So, what's your point?
aegis said:
everything i'm saying is israeli propaganda, if you consider someone saying something in favour for one side.
if you start from this point at an argument it is pointless to continue.
that's why i'm trying to show the other side, is there anything wrong with that?
No. There is something wrong with shwoing one side as the one true side and dismissing everything else, which is exactly what you are doing.

aegis said:
that's not the reason, the main reason is the arabs hurt ego and thier thirst for power, the fact that 7 countries failed to conquer israel is an insult to them, well tough luck, but jews got a right to have thier own stinking country(which she is a rather stinky at the moment) but at least its thier country. and fuck them-they had zillion chances for peace and they wanted the whole pie.

and they still do.
Point in case.
As I said, the Israelis still believe that it's their country and they deserve to have their own country. Why? Well....because they all believe in the same thing!
And that's exactly what's hurting all those Arabs, along with the fact that you were so aggressive and anatagonising in the beginning. That's what started it. Now it's just a vicious cycle of violence.

you godamn right about that, but its better than before in anycase because at least i hope the world saw that israel isn't led by extremists.
What the fuck do you mean with this? It's better that a lot of people are being killed daily because now people see that Israel is not led by extremists (which they, in fact, don't see)?
Sander said:
Then what did you mean by that?
Let's try again, shall we.
There are more Arabs than Jews (fact).
The Arabs have not annihilated the Jews.
stop there, but they had an empire before that, they were conqueres. look at the major diffrence israel was formed by settlements and NOT by forced conquest.

You postulate that if the Jews had acted the way Arabs had acted there would be a lot less Arabs.
again, if the jews would be as furious as the arbs were there would be much less arabs-sure. what's condencending about that?
the arabs should be proud of thier heritage that made them to force they are today, poor defensless arabs being defened by the world against israel..
Since the Arabs apparently haven't really succeeded in decreasing the amount of Jews, one must assume that you mean that the Jews would have been better. Hence you postulate that Jews are superior to Arabs.
because arabs have failed to kill more jews i say that jews are superior to them?
intresting-but no. and i still don't say that, i'm saying they're having a really bad attitude toward us, and that doesn't mean anything except thier wonderful social skills.

aegis said:
yeah so? they all support terrorists hence they are led by them, so if its soooo obvious to you why do you think its so easy to make peace with them?
They all support terrorists?
Again: that's called generalisation.

Wait, are you saying that people who say that the holocaust never happened and that people who bomb others are arses?

Again: what the fuck is your point?
you're out of date again-this is the current guy which replaces araft and supposed to lead the peace process.

I'm not talking about bombing accidents, am I? in fact, I never talked about the Israelis accidentally killing civilians. I have been talking about Israelis attitude and general military actions, this has jack shit to do with their accidents.

oh but they do espcially if they are shown as massacre by the cruel IDF. israeli do you suggest would be the attidute toward the terrorists?

What you're saying now is this:
'There are two sides, but look at them!'
In other words, you're still only looking at them.
i'll answer again with the sentence you didnt understand:
how can you show 1 side if you support all sides?
but apperantly you are looking only at 1 too.

I never spoke of one specific event that triggered bombings, I spoke of a cause. There's a difference, learn it.
cause? like in , just cause? please educate me because i see no legitimetaion in those unprovoced attacks and i hope you don't too.

I never said I did, nor do I think that site you gave me was neutral. The truth is probably somewhere in between. So, what's your point?
guessing huh?

No. There is something wrong with shwoing one side as the one true side and dismissing everything else, which is exactly what you are doing.
same sentence you didnt understand, to prove a point one must show his side not the other. but can you see it?

Point in case.
As I said, the Israelis still believe that it's their country and they deserve to have their own country. Why? Well....because they all believe in the same thing!
And that's exactly what's hurting all those Arabs,

wrong there.
they didnt want a country before the zionists came for the settelments. just when the settelments began to arise they opened thier eyes and saw the potential and disregarded any agreement that was layed to them with the zionist settelements.

along with the fact that you were so aggressive and anatagonising in the beginning.
that's another media or influence talking from you-what aggression are we talking about? building a settelment where no one lives is conquest? violent? support your claims with facts because you speak retorically.

That's what started it.
no again.
the violance came from the arabs, the miltant organization of the zionist came for protection of the settelments. again, if the world don't want jews in their countries, the jews would deserve a country(unless you support total anahilation of the jews)-but if the arabs say no to every agreement we try to to make with them-its the israeli's fault??
Now it's just a vicious cycle of violence.
you got that right, as long as people won't accept the fact that jews are here to stay in israel, it will continue.

you godamn right about that, but its better than before in anycase because at least i hope the world saw that israel isn't led by extremists.
What the fuck do you mean with this? It's better that a lot of people are being killed daily because now people see that Israel is not led by extremists (which they, in fact, don't see)?

thanks for the wake up call-i thought that despite of the fact there are so many killings the world would see the source of the aggression in the region, could fool me.
even after the act of the disengagement from gazza, it didn't prove to the world nothing about israel huh?

in your eyes and in the world's apperntly-israel is still the agressors, and is still to blame in the failure of the dispute-not the one's bombing sderot right now after a new peace treaty.

and youi're saying i'm seeing one side.
aegis said:
stop there, but they had an empire before that, they were conqueres. look at the major diffrence israel was formed by settlements and NOT by forced conquest.
Which isn't really true either, the Israelis have waged wars and have confiscated land as well.
But what's the point?
aegis said:
again, if the jews would be as furious as the arbs were there would be much less arabs-sure. what's condencending about that?
the arabs should be proud of thier heritage that made them to force they are today, poor defensless arabs being defened by the world against israel..
You were saying that the Jews would've done a much better job than Arabs did. Which means that you think the Jews would've been superior.
But hey, if you're referring to the Ottoman empire, they were actually quite friendly towards Jews throughout a prolonged period of their empire.

aegis said:
you're out of date again-this is the current guy which replaces araft and supposed to lead the peace process.
What does this have to do with what you quoted?

aegis said:
oh but they do espcially if they are shown as massacre by the cruel IDF. israeli do you suggest would be the attidute toward the terrorists?
Again: I'm not talking about attitude towards terrorists, I'm talking about attitude towards Palestinians in general.

aegis said:
i'll answer again with the sentence you didnt understand:
how can you show 1 side if you support all sides?
but apperantly you are looking only at 1 too.
I'm looking at one side because I'm saying that both sides are severely lacking?

cause? like in , just cause? please educate me because i see no legitimetaion in those unprovoced attacks and i hope you don't too.
I never was justifying terrorist attacks, I am trying to explain how the Israeli actions created a lot of hostility.
This has jack shit to do with justification, it's explanation.

same sentence you didnt understand, to prove a point one must show his side not the other. but can you see it?
That's the same sentence? You need to seriously work on the way you handle the English language.
To prove a point, however, one must not just show one side, one must show every possible side.

wrong there.
they didnt want a country before the zionists came for the settelments. just when the settelments began to arise they opened thier eyes and saw the potential and disregarded any agreement that was layed to them with the zionist settelements.
Que? If the Jews didn't want a coutnry before the settlements...then why did they found Israel?

that's another media or influence talking from you-what aggression are we talking about? building a settelment where no one lives is conquest? violent? support your claims with facts because you speak retorically.
What about the Suez conflict, or the Six-Day war?
Granted, Israel was never welcomed by the Arabs (which is in part due to the fact that the Israelis came there and established a state where, before, there had not been one), and the Arabs have been aggressive themselves a lot as well. But Israel isn't innocent either.

aegis said:
no again.
the violance came from the arabs, the miltant organization of the zionist came for protection of the settelments. again, if the world don't want jews in their countries, the jews would deserve a country(unless you support total anahilation of the jews)-but if the arabs say no to every agreement we try to to make with them-its the israeli's fault??
The violence came from both the Arabs and the Israelis.
The Jews don't just deserve a country, they wanted a country because they didn't feel welcome anywhere else. They were begrudgingly granted a country. And now they have one.
But the attitude of 'we deserve a country' and 'this is the holy land' is not helping anything.
Yes, the Arabs rejected a lot of peace deals, but most of them weren't great for them either. At times fringe groups within the Arab population have messed it up, at times others, say Arafat, have fucked it up.

aegis said:
thanks for the wake up call-i thought that despite of the fact there are so many killings the world would see the source of the aggression in the region, could fool me.
even after the act of the disengagement from gazza, it didn't prove to the world nothing about israel huh?
Actually, I was quite happy with Israel's move from Gaza.
But it also showed the great division within Israel and especially the Liqud party, which shows that the leaders are still, in part, a lot more extreme than many would want.

aegis said:
in your eyes and in the world's apperntly-israel is still the agressors, and is still to blame in the failure of the dispute-not the one's bombing sderot right now after a new peace treaty.

and youi're saying i'm seeing one side.
Bullshit. That's not my side at all. I never said it was all Israel's fault, but I do think there are more sides to this than just 'Israel is at fault' or 'Palestinians are at fault'.
aegis, you make me want to tie you up and put my penis in you. Repeatedly. While wearing a razor sharp metal condom like in Seven.
aegis said:
terroist-a form of yet unborn terrorist.

You mean something like a "zygote fighter"?

Ashmo: No threatening of bodily harm to clueless newbies, please ;)
Wasn't he repeatedly banned before?

He's been registered for a year. That's enough time to void the newbie protection IMO.

Besides, I wasn't threatening, just describing my feelings for him.
Noes, noes, noes. No banning Aegis. We need at least two Vault Morons, so one can relay the other while one's trying to understand what's been told to him.
sander i'm sorry but did you notice that everything you've answered ended with an eh? something about facts i think this is, but it is clear to me that answering you won't serve anything but the pathetic satisfaction of some cluless veterans here he are really enlove with themselves:

see what i mean that its pointless to argue with people who thinks you're a moron and an idiot just because they have an opinion about something?
and now here comes the great quote of slaughtering what i said by saying that i made that to myself-and here comes another quote, oh look, its me again-and now he says i've done it again to myself. but can you do anything else with your stupid mondane life except retoring people all the time and showing your supremacy because you're stupid enough to spend five years in a virtual forum?

i still don't understand why i'm trying to convince i guess just because of the challenge because you're so hoplessly involved in yourself, oh excuse me-enloved with yourselves.

don't let me interupt your agenda toward israeli or anyone else in that matter-because only you veterans has a say about the subject-you've just proven again and again that you can retort really well but can't answer to any of the facts.

in a forum where moderators speak like that "We need at least two Vault Morons", that's like dicatatorship in its best days.

and besides you don't really give a fuck about anything except laughing on "two vaults morons", am i right?
aegis said:
see what i mean that its pointless to argue with people who thinks you're a moron and an idiot just because they have an opinion about something?
and now here comes the great quote of slaughtering what i said by saying that i made that to myself-and here comes another quote, oh look, its me again-and now he says i've done it again to myself. but can you do anything else with your stupid mondane life except retoring people all the time and showing your supremacy because you're stupid enough to spend five years in a virtual forum?
Nice schtick, insulting people and telling them their life sucks just because you think you're right at everything and that everyone who's disagreeing with you is a moron.

May I say that I find it extremely interesting that you tell people they suck because they spend time on a forum you yourself are wasting your time on?
Pft. Get a social life and maybe you'll see how not agreeing with someone has jack shit to do with whether or not you respect eachother and listen to eachother.

aegis said:
i still don't understand why i'm trying to convince i guess just because of the challenge because you're so hoplessly involved in yourself, oh excuse me-enloved with yourselves.

don't let me interupt your agenda toward israeli or anyone else in that matter-because only you veterans has a say about the subject-you've just proven again and again that you can retort really well but can't answer to any of the facts.

the morons in this case, are you.
Heh, I don't agree with you, so I automatically have an anti-Israeli agenda? Pft, so now I can say that you have a pro-Israeli agenda.
'Oh, but I don't, I just base my reasoning off facts'
*ding ding ding*
We have a moron.
aegis said:
in a forum where moderators speak like that "We need at least two Vault Morons", that's like dicatatorship in its best days.

Wow, your stupidity was so great it made me come out of lurker status to call you on it.

So.....them speaking their opinions is like dictatorship? You are a fucking moron thru and thru.