how to make an H-bomb

I have a couple of CDs full of weapons related stuff and other crap not to mention the stuff I keep in my harddrive.

Hey Colt, maybe we could exchange some stuff around.
Maybe we can. Most of my knowledge is in my head though. The stuff I save to my computer is usually images of firearrms I'm resarching and the like, PDF weapon's manuals. PM me if you want to poke around with it, I'd be happy to oblige. - Colt
Check your local science supply store for potassium nitrate and the sulphur. Sometimes you can get them from pharmacies if you ask.

If you do anything stupid with that stuff, I'll come over there and re-kill you. :evil: - Colt
That's my point. Do NOT put it inside of anything enclosed.

My neighbor once was attending a blackpowder event with cannons and mortars and some IDIOT was getting powder out of the keg when someone fired a mortar... A piece of the wadding went up and drifted back and fell into the keg right in front of this poor bastard. The keg exploded killing him outright and injuring a number of people in the crowd a few yards away (it vaporized the "safety" rope in front of them).

Be safe or be dead. - Colt
There are some excellent resources about this kind of stuff on-line, mainly hosted on servers by people who think it's funny, people who like messing with explosives, and paranoid fucks who seriously think that they will need to ever kill a lot of people with fun powder they can make themselves.
Search around and you'll find it, I believe those books also detail how to extract potassium nitrate from the ground, and more of that kind of stuff. Build highly deadly stuff with very little resources and all.
But don't go blaming me if you blow your hand off.
Yeah, there's also useful information like how to extract the nicotine from cigarettes and use it as food poison.

I salvaged a few lists of recipes for various things like bombs, poisons and body armor from some websites show during a report in a tv show just before the providers recognised the websites and took them down (they didn't reveal the internet adresses, but if you can catch part of the text shown on the front page Google can help you out).

Most of it will most likely make you blow yourself up, but it's useful inspiration for crafting recipes in RPGs nevertheless. Just don't give away the exact instructions or you'll face the same legal consequences as those who originally distributed them (if you live in a country in which such things are illegal, that is).

Heh. Pipe bombs seem to be the most common subject for some reason.
hmm, well, for starters, I allready got some powder from regular fireworks, I made one bomb at first but it just went FOMP, so I'll have to figure out a better way to close the bomb sorta...
I am so going to laugh and nominate you for a Darwin award when you blow your head off.
Why are you TRYING to make a bomb? Even I haven't done that. Just shave the substance off of the heads of some matches and crush it. Go play with that, make a rocket.
Colt said:
Why are you TRYING to make a bomb? Even I haven't done that. Just shave the substance off of the heads of some matches and crush it. Go play with that, make a rocket.
Dude, it's Kahgan. Trying to establish reasoning which governs his actions is like trying to explain why amoeba swims around in circles.
I dont know if it true or not, but i heard that if you take a bunch of strike anywhere matches and put the match heads in a tennis ball and toss it at something hard enough it will explode.
Any one else heard this one?
bob_the_rambler said:
I dont know if it true or not, but i heard that if you take a bunch of strike anywhere matches and put the match heads in a tennis ball and toss it at something hard enough it will explode.
Any one else heard this one?
That reminds me of when I was a kid (~14 or so). On of my friends found the "Anarchist's Cookbook" on the internet and we spent months reading it over and over. That sort of thing is fascinating to most 14 year olds.

Anyway, in the end we decided to make a "Tennis ball bomb" in much the same way as bob describes. We bought matches from a local supermarket, started to shave the red stuff off them, got bored, decided to use the whole heads instead. We packed them inside a tennis ball only to find we only had cheap Sellotape to seal it with (rather than the Duct tape it suggested), so we used that.

We were on our way to a local abandoned quarry to "detonate" it when we decided to play catch with it (only metres away from the house where we made it). (Needless to say this is going to end badly) Somebody threw it at a wall. It detonated. The seal burst. Burning match heads shot out of the hole at high speed (whilst the ball was spinning around). They went everywhere, including in our clothes, hair and my eye. We had fun explaining that to our parents, the neighbours and the police.

Damn, kids are stupid.

And we were going to try to make concentrated nicotine from cigarettes or a hallucinogen from banana peels. It's probably a good thing that we tried that first.
My brother and I did that once. Took it to the school parking lot and threw it really hard. Same thing happened. It was very cool. - Colt
1/2 Diesel-Oil, 1/2 Fertilizer with high concentration of phosphates, mix with sawdust, blow up with 10 meters of electric wire and a 9 Volts battery.

Have fun.
Well back when I was in the Navy League; a few other cadets were bragging about how they made so-called "penny bombs". These apparently consisted of a penny. gunpowder and a paper coin case thingie. I asked them what sort of powder, but they just looked blank and told me it was the same stuff used by the police for their handgun loads(the amount varied apparently). They would drop them off buildings and this was supposed to be entertaining or some reason.

I’ve always wondered what would happen if something went wrong and the penny shot back up into their faces...(Obviously much fun would result, but the design wouldn't even ignite in the first place).