HQ music for Fallout 2


A Smooth-Skin
HQ music for Fallout 2.
Vanilla F2 comes with dull 22Khz music. This package brings full 44.1 KHz spectre into your game.
It's included into RPU, and is compatible with UPU and EtTu.

There's also a lossless package, which itself comes in 3 options: uncompressed, flac and wavpack. The first one needs no extra codecs, but is ~1Gb in size. The other two are half the size, but need corresponding codecs.
This is for audiophiles. You probably won't notice the difference unless you have good sound system and goood ears.

This release would not be possible without sfall developers adding support for HQ music. Thank @NovaRain and @Mr.Stalin for that.
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Encoded from lossless acm and wma with ebur128 normalization (makes the volume like the original acm of Mark Morgan).

Ready to use
Fallout-1-2-HQ-music all lossless tracks except RP tracks
Fallout-Nevada-HQ-music all lossless tracks from the author v1 standard v2 remastered
Fallout-Sonora-HQ-music all lossless tracks from the author
Olympus-2207-HQ-music lossy (sources are lost) mixed with lossless
Fallout-1.5-Resurrection-HQ-music lossy, v1 standard v2 extended

For mod creators
FOnline-HQ-music all lossless tracks from the author
Van-Buren-Sounds all sounds and music from demo Van Buren
Wasteland-1-HQ-music lossless
Wasteland-2-HQ-music lossless
Wasteland-3-HQ-music lossless
So now there are two Git repos about the Fo1/2 music who look almost identical and nobody will know what exactly to pick or if there is even a difference.

That being said, due to engine issues (filename length), I had to rename 03WRLDMP to 03WORLD in ettu. As the HQ tracks won't work with Fo1 anyways, maybe that track should also be renamed in the package.
In the burn repository, there are only HQ and lossless variants, in mine, in addition to HQ, there is LQ (standard acm) and UHQ (wma lossless). There is almost no difference.

engine issues (filename length),
What? maybe file length? Maybe ask @Mr.Stalin to make a fix for the automatic calculation of the acm length?
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Filename length. We can't overwrite Fo2's worldmap track (23WORLD) with Fo1's 03WRLDMAP, as there isn't enough byte space left for the string. Fo2 uses 8 bytes, Fo1 uses 9 bytes (03WRLDMP + a padding 0x00). Thus, the file had to be renamed to 03WORLD to make it work (03WORLD + a padding 0x00 = total 8 bytes).
OK I understood. I will make copies of 03WRLDMP named 03WORLD, but later

23WORLD hardcoded in game exe file. How do you play 03WORLD file on the world map?
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