Serifan said:
I have heard many dooms day therioes but from What I can remeber something is supposed to happen in 2012.
Ah, the Olduvai theory. Around 2012, there will be more and more permanent blackouts - worldwide. Permanent. It's back to the Stone Age after that.
Seriously, duders, I've wrecked my head and health thinking about this kind of crap, wondering if it might not be worth the effort writing a book about it all, trying to wake up people and so on, but after five years of angst and agony, I've decided it just ain't worth the trouble: it is going to happen whether I like it or not. It's too late. And we've done too little. The only thing that gives me a nice, warm feeling is the knowledge that all these fuckers out there, the thirty-and-forty-something mongrels with two cars and two kids and a mortgage the size of a cathedral, that these fuck-ups soon will experience the pain and sorrow of losing their kids to famine and thurst or simple diseases like the flu or diarrhea. That will amuse me in ways unimagineable. Almost 7 billion fucktards on this sad and lonesome planet (which was once so beautful and green and wealthy - or so I heard) and not even one fucking city or country or continent that ever went: "You know what, people? That's it. I don't give a shit if our economy suffers (and suffer it will) and I don't give a rat's arse if you won't be able to watch stupid Hollywood crap on a super-whooper-plasma-screen anymore. This country is going to change, and it's going to do so right the fuck now. Get used to wearing an extra sweater in wintertime instead of putting the central heating on warpspeed, get used to riding your bike to work instead of lounging your way through the industrial wasteland in a SUV. You live 50 kilometres away from work you say? Well, fuck you, you stupid cunt: guess you're going to be moving house then eh?" And so on.
WTF does everyone think anyway? That science is going to solve all of our problems sooner or later? It's fucking because of science that we have all these problems. Science and religion. Would you ask the same guys that are buttraping you in a dark alley if they can please call the cops and an ambulance afterwards? I don't friggin' think so. We're fucked and we know it. But here comes the big secret: we don't BELIEVE it.
It's like with death: everyone knows that death will eventually pay us a visit, but no one really BELIEVES it. Especially when one is young, one has this Highlander-feeling, doesn't one? One thinks one is immortal. You see people dying around you and you know that one day this is supposed to happen to you as well, but somehow you just don't believe it will. You think you're somehow special, different, unique. Immortal. God's right hand. They made an exception for you and you alone, didn't they?
That's why people fuck up their lives: they believe they won't die. And so they have no idea whatsoever how to lead their lives. They fuck up their relationships, their family, their one and only planet, they become ambitious and egotistical. Because they forget about death. Death is the great harmonizer, and it's surprising and even astonishing to see that most people don't get that shit. And society doesn't actually support its citizens in thinking about death either, does it? Quite the contrary, actually. Death is taboo. Death is what separates the successfull from the losers.
Yet, there's death in everything. It's part of nature. So why is it taboo? I'll tell you why: it's because when you know how to die, when you accept this thing called death, you will know how to live. And once you know how to live you will start to wonder why society is teaching (or even brainwashing) its citizens to do exactly the opposite.
Here's another secret: you should wake up in the morning, not shouting 'WOHOO! IT'S GREAT TO BE ALIVE!', but rather mumbling 'What if today is the day that I die? Would that be okay? Am I the person that I want to be? Is this the life that I want to live?'
If societies would ask themselves a similar question from time to time ('If this society collapses today, will it have been worth it? Is this a society worthy to be remembered in future history books?'), if they would be somewhat more focussed on limitations than on excesses, this world would look and feel so different, you wouldn't believe it.
The thing is, though, that when you live in harmony with death, you tend to become less ambitious. You don't care about writing the Great American novel or composing a song that has never been heard before. You stop taking all that crap at work and you stop buying all the plastic bullshit that never made and never will make you happy anyway. You tend to focus more on the people around you: 'Am I doing everything I can for them? How can I make it more clear to them that I like them and love them and would miss them terribly if they were not around anymore? How can I be a good person?'
Society doesn't like humans to think like that. In fact, the only time society allows you to think like that, is when you are about to die, which is usually in a hospital, drugged to the point where you can almost taste oblivion. That's soon enough. That's usually after you've done your worldly chores and consumed like the pig that they wanted you to be. It's when you're an octogenerian and aren't of much (economic) value anymore anyway.
But don't you try to think for yourself before that blessed day! Society hates it when you try to live in harmony with everything. Society burdens you with a multitude of usually pointless tasks just to keep your mind from wandering off in the right direction (which is contemplation, for those of you that are wondering). And society gives you the idea that doing all of these pointless tasks is the right thing to do, don't even think about questioning these tasks or you'll hear from them. So you get into your SUV at 6 o'clock in the morning and you drive 50 kilometres to work, wasting more than 40 minutes because of all the traffic, and then you go to the office and you sit on your ergonomic chair (which still doesn't feel very comfortable, but hey, the chair isn't cheap and everyone has one, so so do you) and you stare at the screen from 9 to 5, quickly munching down your lunch between 12.00 and 12.30, making three highly necessary stops at the toilet throughout the day, driving home, tired and bored, preparing your microwave dinner, watching the news, the commercials, the series, the movies, all of them telling you the same thing, to consume and become richer, better, faster, more beautiful, more effective, limiting social contact with your bedpartner ('How was your day? Mine was fine as well. I'll be in my study, you should call me IF you need me.') until you go to bed, 'You wanna fuck?', 'I wanna fuck.', 'Okay, let's fuck.'
Earth is not capable to support the kind of society/world that humanity is aiming for: the kind that requires more than 5 billion people that are critically addicted to fossil fuels. Earth was at its best during the Roman Empire. That's the kind of culture, science, knowledge, society that this little planet can cope with for a long, long time. That's paradise. I don't doubt that there are planets (bigger, richer, with more drinkable water and more land mass) in the universe that would be perfect for a society like ours today, a society that thrives on quick wins and short term profits and suffers from extreme pollution and an ever growing chaos (and a lack of long term planning). Earth just can't cope with big scale crap like that. Just like me, Earth's best years are already behind her. It's been going downhill for over 1500 years now. Can't be far from the bottom now, I guess. In the mean time, we can all continue doing what we're doing so well: decaying. Participating in the end. The final chapter in the history of mankind.
Ha. If we are anything, we're something like the twitching leg of a guy that has been brutally buttfucked and arseraped by 30 black and well-hung homosexuals from Tanzania.
Trust me: that leg won't be twitching forever.