Human Hybrids

SuAside said:
Suffer said:
I'd give pigs human-like intelligence plus the desire to be eaten, like that pig-thing in Hitchhicker's. That'd be cool.
wasn't that a cow?
although, i dunno. it's been too long.

either way, it'd gross me out if an animal came up to me and asked to be eaten. funny, huh? i have no problem eating a poor animal who's unlucky enough to end up on my plate, but i have difficulty imagining eating something with enough intelligence to ask me to eat it...

It was a space-cow, but on the tv show it looked like a pig.

Now me, I've always wanted to know why I can't breed human/gorilla mules. Then I could build an army to take over this city.
Well you CAN'T do it the "classic" way, but if you're good with genes, glasstubes, labs and crazy madmen, you could TECHNICALY create such a beast!

I want a hybrid of a mice and a jellyfish. That would be cool. A mice that would shine in the darkness. Oh wait a minute. They already did that. :shock: I would buy a JellyHamster.
Now me, I've always wanted to know why I can't breed human/gorilla mules. Then I could build an army to take over this city

Well there is a Humanzee, Human/chimp this is a really funny case at first people thought that someone spanked the monkey but it just turns out this monkey was a freak of nature. The thing that made him stand out was that he only walked on two legs just like a human and he was very smart. the orignal owners had to get rid of him because he kept trying to rape his wife.

Vox said:
Jessica Alba was a hybrid in DARK ANGEL. :)
Geek info, actually she wasn't a hybrid, she was a genetically engineered super soldier, hybrids are like the mule(horse and a donkey), a progeny of different species, by cross-breeding with makes them not to be able to breed. So I would not make hybrids at all, I would make a species that can breed itself and with no birth defects to have always the same unbreakable and undefeated DNA(by radiation, viruses, bla bla bla, and all the unknown effects of black holes.)