Humble Indie Bundle #2

Dario ff

Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
Haven't seen this posted around here, so just thought I should let you know.

The Humble Indie Bundle #2 has been up for a few days now. The neat feature is that you can activate the games on Steam if you want(achievement hunters :P )!

As for the games offered, quite a good selection. Braid, Machinarium, Osmos, Cortex Commander and Revenge of the Titans.

The top leading donation is... PI? :?
Great news! People who purchased this bundle can now get the games from the first one! For the new purchasers, if you pay more than $7.35, you'll get the first bundle as well.
I bought the package as well, people need to spend more then $7.39 or something like that to qualify for the first bundle. I think many of the games are shear brilliant, word of Goo is a very odd game, but I think Im going to like it already.

a few games I already had, but for the most part, if you put in a decent price, then all the games from both the first and second bumble are well worth it

so well worth it IMO :D
I slapped down the caps for it, and I have to say Machinarium is wonderful, Braid's not bad, and Cortex Command would be incredible if it ever got finished, which judging from the DataRealms forums is gonna be half past never.

Revenge of the Titans is a TD (a shiny polished TD, but a TD) and is stupidly hard because of the insane amount of micromanagement needed. Osmos is something I could play at a website like ArmorGames or whatever, very unremarkable physics game.

I did get a nice surprise in my email today from the HIB guys, they gave me the games from the first HIB for free (well, they begged another donation out of me, but still).
I would agree with you about Revenge of the titans, there is way too much mouse clicking and micro management, and later it just gets silly, especially on the later maps, would be nice if there was less mouse clicking.

seems a pity about CC, one of the reasons I bought the second bundle, now that I realise its still a very long way off, I may give it a miss for a while, I do like osmos, but that does get tricky later on

but certainly the first bundle is better, world of goo is certainly keeping me entertained

I just hope revenge of the titans gets easier, as its just too annoying at the moment.
Bought it, but really only because I wanted to have Machinarium tied to my Steam. Cortex Command is extremely cool, but anyone who has followed it for any length of time knows that it's never going to be finished.

I definitely just got emailed a key to unlock the first pack on my Steam account as well. Not a bad deal at all.