Huricane Irene is going to herald the beggining of Kali Yuga

TheWesDude said:

You're assuming places like Florida who get hit by hurricanes and tropical storms on a regular basis aren't destroyed and cost billions of dollars to rebuild. No matter how much you plan ahead there is always destruction in the face of these things. Floods happen. Houses are washed away. Trees fall down. Power goes out. The only thing that's really improved over the years is the number of lives lost. Considering my state hasn't been hit by something on this level in almost a quarter century, I think we did pretty damn well getting power back on 24 hours later and it's business as usual. Only a handful of people died, and it was mostly from their own stupidity.
History of American Infrastructure

History of American Infrastructure

TheWestDude said:
...its a testament not to how powerful nature is, but of how bad your infrastructure is up north.

I'll comment so Cimmerian Nights might not have to ...



some-blogger said:
... hurricane-force winds sank the west half of the Hood Canal Bridge. Wind speeds hit 80 mph sustained, and might have even gusted as high as 105 mph. ...

Lost wages to seasonal Pacific blow! Working out of Bellingham, had a job on the Great Peninsula so had to wait until emergency ferry route was established!
Strong Pacific gales every year, what's not double trussed just blows away!

G-d d-mmed North West Infrastructure! ;)

One region's infrastructure is another's Bridge to Nowhere.

My mouth waters at all the tax dollars extracted from the high wage, high rent North East, that was transmuted into pork to fatten up the dirt rich, lower tier states,

My irony is steeled by the flaming history of an economy where the manufacture and tech jobs fleeing the North East is / was on the highways AND BRIDGES that region helped to build!

Fascinating that T-Bag illusions of the Invisible Hand {Which: Adam Smith's or Franz Kafka's?} will most likely facilitate infrastructure anorexia as collaborative funding between the States withers in our Brave New Era of Austerity. ;)

Ohio weather? Prevailing winds out of the north, best of the summer, until .... :hide:

Sabirah said:
I dunno about that. I mean how often does a Hurricane hit NY? I mean, as long as I have been here this is the first time. It's understandable we didnt know how to prepare

at least 1-2 times every 100 years.

and you still have not yet been hit with a hurricane. again, this was only a tropical storm by the time it hit NY.

and the reason for most of the damage was more to do with failing/out-dated infrastructure afaik. that and trees.

Mad Max RW said:
You're assuming places like Florida who get hit by hurricanes and tropical storms on a regular basis aren't destroyed and cost billions of dollars to rebuild. No matter how much you plan ahead there is always destruction in the face of these things. Floods happen. Houses are washed away. Trees fall down. Power goes out. The only thing that's really improved over the years is the number of lives lost. Considering my state hasn't been hit by something on this level in almost a quarter century, I think we did pretty damn well getting power back on 24 hours later and it's business as usual. Only a handful of people died, and it was mostly from their own stupidity.

there isnt much you can do if one of these storms comes across your front door. there was a study done by a group somewhere that determined the total loss of damage/life per storm could be lessened by 35-40% in florida if 1 thing was different. there was a 1-3 mile wide "tree forest" between the beaches and developed areas as that would provide a large "wind-break" effect to help lessen the area affected by these storms. their finding was because there is so little "wind-breaks" that there is nothing to slow down or hinder a storms effects.

that and people are researching new technologies and home designs to make them hurricane resistant/immune. i saw a dome house that was built in florida that was rated to be able to sustain a low category 4 without any damage or ill-effects other than potential utilities outages.
Re: History of American Infrastructure

4too said:
One region's infrastructure is another's Bridge to Nowhere.

My mouth waters at all the tax dollars extracted from the high wage, high rent North East, that was transmuted into pork to fatten up the dirt rich, lower tier states
Those southern senators love to preach about fiscal responsibility and lower taxes, but they keep dipping their snouts into the Federal trough.
All the while decrying socialism and 'big spending liberals' from the NE.

Oink oink.

Did Pat Robertson blame the storm on homos yet?