Huxley Approaches


Night Watchman
Staff member
Twilight War seems to have bitten the dust, but here comes another MMOG FPS. Say hello to Huxley, a game we probably won't be covering much. Release is scheduled for Q3 2006.<blockquote>Huxley takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where human beings have mutated and are divided into two opposing races, Sapiens and Alternative. At the center of the battle for survival is Lunarites, a promising new energy source that both sides seek to obtain. Forced to battle against one another for the continuance of each race, Sapiens and Alternatives are willing to do whatever it takes to wipe out the conflicting race and gain control of the world and its resources.

In near future, Nuclearites bombard the World. Destructive earthquakes, massive tidal waves and dramatic climate changes wreak havoc around the globe, isolating continents and driving the human race into chaos. Those who survive the destruction dream of tranquility, but an eruption among the human race and the appearance of horrible mutants drives the world into further disorder. Racism and oppression cause rebellious uprisings and war that divide the landscape between two powers: Sapiens and Alternative, At the heart of the war emerges a powerful energy source the Lunarites created by Huxley, a scientist and possible savior.

Both factions seek glory and victory, fighting mercilessly for the Lunerites and their very existence.

</center></blockquote>Link: Huxley dossier at WebZen

Thanks to our anonymous informer.
frissy wouldn't know. For as we all know, sheep are amazingly dumb :P

The weapons look a litle over-cool, kind of.
But as frissy said, at least they know how to use textures.
Looks good. I get a kick out of the armour, I guess no-one gets shot in the neck arms or legs in these games. Why can't everyone wear POWER ARMOUR. Just my opinion though.
Looks like shit. Especially the anime-haired, glowing eyes characters.


Oh, and if they're using the SOURCE engine, as it looks a bit like it, then they don't know shit about texturing. The skin textures and shading suck Godzilla's scaly balls.


Blah. Just another crock in the cesspool of "action oriented" games.
And now put yourself in the position of one responsible for interpreting this gibbrish... :roll:
Third Party Pronouncement

Third Party Pronouncement

[image: well toned middle aged persona, (camera angle never shows 'mid drift') (tightened close up to distract from pattern baldness) turns from table of multiple monitors and diverse PC associated 'beige boxes'.]
[Audio; subliminally low level transition from Blue Grass- Grateful Dead picking and high-white-whining, (Cumberland Blues), to masculine, Blues based, rooster crowing, Rock .. (Smoke Stack Lightnin' ]

And now put yourself in the position of one responsible for interpreting this gibberish...

IF you. Mr. not-so, Silencer, haven't been 'groomed' to this duty by some pedophiliac (youth obsessed) market-eer,
IF you are not in the addictive mindset of post modern game players -- on the rebound --looking to repeat --- your last euphoric, orgasmic (peak experience) 'run and gun' fetish,
IF you are NOT on the rebound from a psychotic anima projection on some 'better half' in a codependent relationship,


you , Mr. not-so, Silencer, may be free of repeating the media marketing hype that wants THE GAMERS OF THE WORLD to repeat, to perdition, the same smart money formulas of entertainment.
The mythic equivalent of rolling a rock up a hill every day to see it roll to the bottom for another day of penitent grunt work. Does-not sound like "FUN" to me. Ah, more like ...


Hell? Don't know about you but I associate repetitive behavior with WORK, and unrequited duties with some level of a Damned Afterlife.

But, Mr Man,... Mr. not-so, Silencer ...

You have appeared to have illicited the replies of a reliable 'posse' that is capable of individual commentary. Not a chorus seeking a sycophantic self importance ... ... for what BIG GAME DISCOUNTS? ... perhaps something related to post counts ... no choir here jammin' ... spammin' ... to your chords, but ... . In your charismatic shine spirits the blazing profundities of freely associated variations on the theme.

Keep the discriminating cutting edges honed, Bethesda et al should never get a free ride from the serious FO game forums, if ... they extrude dumbed down rpg's that conform to the latest wet dreamed anticipations of the easily creamed 'action' obsessed.

[audio: subtle sound of a winding up inhale.] [Raise total level 20 db.]

Projecting the latest craze, the glory hole of the moment, may appear 'smart' for investors, and an easy out for game dev's, retreating from the hard work of translating rpg's to current standards of graphics and possible game play opportunities.
Project, gesticulate, lie, all they want, if ANOTHER half baked product makes the shelves it will blend into the stale mediocrity that will always be with us.

Fodder for the bargain bins, and a future geologic strata in the local land fill.

{audio; last hissing exhale to demonstrate cardiovascular prowess.] Hsss ... sss-so ..

So yes this is a vote of confidence, carry on THE GOOD FIGHT.

[Image; mimmic manly chin chuck, and or shoulder punch, blazing, laser enhanced smile.]

[Image: fades as a - new dawn- sun rises.]
[Audio; appropriate stirring anthem to swell as ,,, cue: an obscene fountain of ""Cool Particle Effects"(tm) ]
[Image; sun rise flares to apocalyptic climax. ]

Every time someone bumps this thread I think a giant comet named Huxley is about to hit the Earth.
