Vault Senior Citizen

For those who knew, I left 3 months ago to go to China. And surprise, surprise, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am home.
I just got home about 2 days ago, on the 10 th. I must have slept for 2 days, because I felt exhausted. But it's good to be home again. It's kinda sad at the same time, because I was just starting to enjoy my time in China. A lot of my Chinese friends didn't want to see me go, and of that I am really touched. You can't really know about a place and its people unless you really lived there.
There was a saying from a Lonely Planet guide writer, "Many forigners came away from China with mixed feelings, because it's a vast country with many regulations, customs, and traditions. It can leave you feeling frustrated, irritated, angry, and disgusted. But just when you are about to give up on the Country, and vowing never to come back again, it then surprises you with delight. You will meet some kind strangers who greet you with warmth, and some of them will become your good friends. You will see the beauty of its culture and history. You will meet wonderful people who works hard to preserve their own culture despite the pressure to be westernized just to make some quick bucks.", and I agree with the man.
I will organize all the blogs/diary entries I wrote during this trip, and publish it sometime. If anyone is interested, that is.
I will publish some pic if there is a request. It was sad to leave, but good to be home.
I just got home about 2 days ago, on the 10 th. I must have slept for 2 days, because I felt exhausted. But it's good to be home again. It's kinda sad at the same time, because I was just starting to enjoy my time in China. A lot of my Chinese friends didn't want to see me go, and of that I am really touched. You can't really know about a place and its people unless you really lived there.
There was a saying from a Lonely Planet guide writer, "Many forigners came away from China with mixed feelings, because it's a vast country with many regulations, customs, and traditions. It can leave you feeling frustrated, irritated, angry, and disgusted. But just when you are about to give up on the Country, and vowing never to come back again, it then surprises you with delight. You will meet some kind strangers who greet you with warmth, and some of them will become your good friends. You will see the beauty of its culture and history. You will meet wonderful people who works hard to preserve their own culture despite the pressure to be westernized just to make some quick bucks.", and I agree with the man.
I will organize all the blogs/diary entries I wrote during this trip, and publish it sometime. If anyone is interested, that is.
I will publish some pic if there is a request. It was sad to leave, but good to be home.