I can hear! Begone waxy buildup!

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
So on Sunday I wake up and cant hear out of my right ear. Sometimes that happens after I wake up and it goes away after using my finger in my ear like a plunger...

However it didnt and I couldnt hear 'til today when I showed up for a doctor's appointment. He tooka look in both ears and I heard the "squish" as he looked in them with that tool. So he did what was called an ear irrigation. He put a plastic tub up to my ear and inserted a special gun into my ear. It shot water into my ear just hard enough to dislodge the wax, but not break my eardrum and hot enough to crack it, but not so hot it scalded me. Along with the water coming out of my ear came about a half-teaspoon of small wax globs and suddenly I could hear! In fact everything echoed and seemed excessively loud.

Call me crazy, but that warm water moving so fast through my ear was kind of relaxing and made me feel good. Anyone else had this done?

The Vault Dweller
Yeah, I had that done when I was about three years old.

That was before I really knew about personal hygiene.
I'd like to get that done before my next hearing test..... maybe then they'll stop telling me that i'm getting high freq hearing loss from my job.
... Damn, now i'm hungry...

Since no one did this yet, i'm going to step ahead and say how disgusting that is.
You mean that this is new to some people? :shock: I used to get this done annually or so when I was a kid, but I haven't had one for quite a few years now. Prolly because of the whole HA thing.

One of the most refreshing yet squirmish sensations one can have.

Oh, and IIRC its warmed up rubbing alcohol that they use, not water.
Ozrat said:
Oh, and IIRC its warmed up rubbing alcohol that they use, not water.

Sometimes when I go scuba diving, I'll use this alcohol mixture thing that comes in these ear drop bottles. Its supposed to kill the bacteria that can get in there or whatever.
vault dweller, do you use q-tips? although the tend to get alot of earwax out, sometimes they compact the wax around your eardrum... had it happen to me before, but instead of going to the doc, i just did the ol' swimmers ear treatment (rubbing alcohol and a cottonball) and that worked fine
Wax buildup in the ear is one thing. But buildup inside an earmold is a whole 'nother story. :x
q-tips and just letting the water from the shower faucet run into your ears usually works........never had your problem tho.....
WarMonger said:
vault dweller, do you use q-tips? although the tend to get alot of earwax out, sometimes they compact the wax around your eardrum... had it happen to me before, but instead of going to the doc, i just did the ol' swimmers ear treatment (rubbing alcohol and a cottonball) and that worked fine

Oh man...

Im glad you told me that. I know you can insert Q-tips into the ear canal to clean wax HOWEVER Ive learned the hard way that it can compact it and block the ear canal. This I learned after once the cotton tip came off and got lodged in my ear as a child...my Mom removed it delicately with some small surgical clamps...she wasnt angry, she thought it was funny!

So always remember Fallout fans Q-tips are for cosmetic application and removal...not for cleaning the inner ear.

:ok: ,
The Vault Dweller
WarMonger said:
i still use Q-tips, you just got to know what to do when something like that happens

Let me also point out that violently bashing the opposite side of your head to dislodge it wont help...

:violent: ,
The Vault Dweller
The best way is with the this little ear cleaner doo-kickythat's right, I said it that my grandma gave me when I was 10 for Xmas (I suspect she got it as a an emegrency gift from wallgreens). Imagine a small plastic knife with a flattened ball on the end so you don't hurt the eardrum. Works like a charm, I just found it last weak, lost 6Kg of wax!

The biggest problem with wax I've had is when you go to a shooting range and use the earplugs. They cram all the wax into a little wall in your ear canal, then you think you've been deafened by the gunfire.
Hydrogen Peroxide solution from the drug store. Just con your girlfriend/mom/roommate/whoever into pouring the stuff in. Breaks up the wax, just roll over and dump it out onto a towel, and rinse when you're done. Much safer and more satisfactory than pushing an instrument into your ears...