Sep 7, 2016 #1 Makta The DICKtator I can't wait to try this out as it looks like a lot of fun.. First time in ages i really look forward to a Warhammer game.
I can't wait to try this out as it looks like a lot of fun.. First time in ages i really look forward to a Warhammer game.
Sep 8, 2016 #2 NotAcasul meanie Huh, that might be neat. You know the formula here of course, no pre-ordering. It looks like it's got some similarity to how Fallout jumped from an isometric, tactical look to a first-person view. God, I hope this one goes well.
Huh, that might be neat. You know the formula here of course, no pre-ordering. It looks like it's got some similarity to how Fallout jumped from an isometric, tactical look to a first-person view. God, I hope this one goes well.
Sep 8, 2016 #3 Mr Fish Slippy sloppy, The Don't care about the franchise usually but it does look neat. Except for the damn HUD-effects that are spewed onto the screen occasionally.
Don't care about the franchise usually but it does look neat. Except for the damn HUD-effects that are spewed onto the screen occasionally.
Sep 9, 2016 #4 aenemic Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! I like some 40k every now and then, and this looks pretty cool. Curious about the co-op vs AI. Since i don't really like gaming with others I hope the AI is bareable and not phoned in, as sometimes is the case with co-op focused games.
I like some 40k every now and then, and this looks pretty cool. Curious about the co-op vs AI. Since i don't really like gaming with others I hope the AI is bareable and not phoned in, as sometimes is the case with co-op focused games.