So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

A few nights ago I dreamed that I went to a family reunion in Baton Rouge. In my dream my grandfather owned an old television with a UHF channel selector. It was in a perpetual state of static, and was referred to as The Dream Machine. As far as I could tell, The Dream Machine didn't actually have anything to do with dreams. Its only practical purpose, was that by inserting one's body through the static, one would come out in whatever location they were thinking of.
Now that I've thought of it, though, could it be that The Dream Machine had a legitimate purpose? Was The Dream Machine a manifestation of dream transition? An interpretation of the sub-concious that allowed me to take concious control over my dream?
Or maybe it was just a convenient excuse to escape the family reunion, and my cousin who was hitting on me? And really, who wouldn't want a Dream Machine at a family reunion?
What dreams, or parts of a dream have you had that struck you as particularly compelling?
Now that I've thought of it, though, could it be that The Dream Machine had a legitimate purpose? Was The Dream Machine a manifestation of dream transition? An interpretation of the sub-concious that allowed me to take concious control over my dream?
Or maybe it was just a convenient excuse to escape the family reunion, and my cousin who was hitting on me? And really, who wouldn't want a Dream Machine at a family reunion?
What dreams, or parts of a dream have you had that struck you as particularly compelling?