I Dreamed a Dream of a Dream Machine.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
A few nights ago I dreamed that I went to a family reunion in Baton Rouge. In my dream my grandfather owned an old television with a UHF channel selector. It was in a perpetual state of static, and was referred to as The Dream Machine. As far as I could tell, The Dream Machine didn't actually have anything to do with dreams. Its only practical purpose, was that by inserting one's body through the static, one would come out in whatever location they were thinking of.

Now that I've thought of it, though, could it be that The Dream Machine had a legitimate purpose? Was The Dream Machine a manifestation of dream transition? An interpretation of the sub-concious that allowed me to take concious control over my dream?

Or maybe it was just a convenient excuse to escape the family reunion, and my cousin who was hitting on me? And really, who wouldn't want a Dream Machine at a family reunion?

What dreams, or parts of a dream have you had that struck you as particularly compelling?
Bradylama said:
Or maybe it was just a convenient excuse to escape the family reunion, and my cousin who was hitting on me?

Was she/he hot?

What dreams, or parts of a dream have you had that struck you as particularly compelling?

The 'reruns' that are slightly different each time. It's kind of frustrating because I'm aware that it's not how they're supposed to be.
I had a recurring dream for a long time when i graduated basic training and AIT that i was shooting my 5th grade teacher repeatedly with an M-16A2 set to burst.... But that stems from the fact that she said and i quote "you will never ammount to anything"... i still hate that bitch.....

Saw her when i went home in uniform, she tried to say hi and be all nice to me, till i impolitely reminded her of what she said.... And told her to stop talking to me before i broke her neck.

She didnt seem happy.... Cant immagine why.

/end rant about childhood and dreams.
I keep having a dream where my penis can come off and I keep taking it off and I sometimes can't put it back. It's erect too.

I masterbate too much. Duh.

Could someone explain why I can't climax during erotic dreams? Whenever I come close, I wake up. Because I'm a virgin and I'm yet to....go into the place usually used for that kind of thing?
Like i've said on several occasions.. Only you and Paladin Homo could fuck up a wet dream.
I dream about previous dreams, which in turn are about dreams before that et cetera. Am I just a little bit strange??
You know, "Baton rouge" sounds very very nasty in French. You guys oughta change the name.

I've taken conscious control of my dreams several times, especially towards the end. But I never remember them 10 minutes after I wake up. Would be too ghey/fruity to write them down, though.
CCR- I am beginning to worry about you.

Bradylama, I have to agree with Gwydion- the real question was "Is your cousin hot?' But it sounds like you are unhappy in your family reunion. Perhaps a desire to escape your past.
CCR- I am beginning to worry about you.
One of the first symptoms of schizophrenia is the paranoia that you could be going crazy.

But it's nothing deeper then the fact that for a while I could'nt go to sleep without choaking the bishop.
Nolo Episcopari.

Of for those without the more classical education, "I don't wish to be bishop." A conventional demurral by nominees for bishopric.
Bradylama said:
What dreams, or parts of a dream have you had that struck you as particularly compelling?

I have a recurring dream:
I am eating a hamburger (soggy yet nutricious) when - all of a sudden, as one is tempted to say - I notice this really attractive chick.
So I unzip my pants and the sky turns pink.
The dog dies.

Bradylama, I have to agree with Gwydion- the real question was "Is your cousin hot?'

Well its hard to say, really, considering that the cousin never existed. It wasn't any of the cousins I know personally or extended ones I've met at real reunions. It was just an identifier.
welsh said:
Dreams of incest, eh? I know someone who married a third cousin- but it was an ugly couple.
He doesn't mean me!

I don't recall alot of dreams...but i'm a sleepwalker. That fucks up a good night rest.
I forget most of my dreams right after i wake up. But a reoccurring dream that i have is that my teeth are falling out or being pulled out. It's not a very pleasant dream.
KQX said:
But a reoccurring dream that i have is that my teeth are falling out or being pulled out.

I have that dream! They're never pulled out though... I'll be eating something and my teeth will just crumble. I usually wake up on the brink of tears it's so upsetting. I feel for ya man...
I once had a dream about the Fallout community and RPGs, seriously. I found Gothic 1 in a store in my dream, but needed money, so I bummed $10 off Saint and then beat up Exitium and dollar bills flew out of him.

It was so damn odd, it made me wake up and ponder what just happened.
The earliest dream I can remember having was about Freddy Krueger.

I was running through this huge mansion, and I get to the study, and the door slams behind me and disappears. There are 40 foot high shelves lining the four walls, but one is only about 30 feet. I see a sky view, looking down on me, and Freddy is perched on the 30 foot high bookcase. He jumps down at me and flashes his knife-claw thingy out, then just as he's about to hit me I wake up.

I've had this dream every few months since I was 4 or 5.
i always forget my dreams... in the odd event that i do remember them when i wake up, i just forget em an hour later.