I dub this "Action mode".


First time out of the vault
Well, I'm new here so move this if it's in the wrong place. But anyways, This "Mode" consists of basically just fighting. I know it might sound boring but here are the rules.

-You may use godmode, it's highly recommended. It can be toggled with the console by typing "tgm"
-If you wish to not have unlimited ammo, and to have to reload you can use demigod mode. Can be toggled with "tdm"
-You may level up to increase skills. Such as if you need a repair skill of 50 for a response, you can level up using "player.advlevel"
-You may use unlock if you want to unlock a door that you can't lockpick.
-You can progress through the storyline if you wish, or just do sidequests or whatever.
-You may get caps by using "player.additem 000000F X" where X is the amount of caps.
-You can repair your items using "player.setweaponhealthperc 100"
-You can NOT spawn items or ammo, you must find the items and ammo yourself, so if you wish to use a fat man, you have to find it first.
-You can NOT use console commands to find places or to go to them. You must find them yourself.
-Try to fight as many enemies as you can. It wouldn't be fun if you just went through the storyline with godmode and infinite ammo.

Note: In order to use V.A.T.S. you still need to have enough ammo. Try to get as much as you can even though you have unlimited ammo.

I'm open for feedback on this, but please don't tell me "Oh this isn't fun because there's no challenge!!1" I know it's like that but the purpose of this is to fight enemies and find weapons. Not to have a challenge.


My question is: Why?

I can do all the above even without godmode and other cheats and I probably won't die. And... you fight enemies and find weapons as well. So this somehow makes no sense.
yeah if I wanted to rampage through the game that would not be too hard.

maybe I will do that when I get back
No No No No.
Neit, Nein, Non, Nada

And my personal favorite, man jumping off of a cliff

If you want a mindless action game mascarading as "realistic", go play CoD. Keep that crap out of my fallout.
I don't like to shoot ideas down since people might get hurt feelings but....

This is a very bad/boring idea. No special play habits need to be developed to rampage through the wasteland.
CthuluIsSpy said:
No No No No.
Neit, Nein, Non, Nada

And my personal favorite, man jumping off of a cliff

If you want a mindless action game mascarading as "realistic", go play CoD. Keep that crap out of my fallout.

You forgot both Nyet and clip clip derk