First time out of the vault

theprophetgamer said:How about in vault 11(?). Into the Chamber, sat in the comfy chair, watched the movie and my 'sacrifice'. Thought something subtle like gas would vent in, I got my rebreather on(for ashetics) when LO! AND BEHOLD! i was gunned down STILL SITTING in my chair like Bonnie and Clyde.
Yeah, that's a sweet memory of mine too. I sat all along the little movie, but the moment I heard the door creaking open, I knew something's up. And I'm right.
Recently, I went through some awful experience of corrupted savegame. I already play about 120+ hour, with huge mods like Bounties, DLCs, Requiem, Denver and EVE completed, so I'm moving forward with vanilla quests. When I'm doing Contreras's unmarked quest, the game corrupted (I used 4 savefile to be safe, all of 'em corrupted). Nonetheless to say, I got so damn frustrated, I uninstall both my Fallouts and start to play simpler games like Ace Attorney, GTA and Pokemon(lol) to ease up my mind.
Just now, I installed back my Fallout. Wonder if history gonna repeat again..