I guess you can't let death keep a good Pope down..


Vault Senior Citizen
Pope John Paul II has been resurrected!


In comics, that is.

BOGOTA, Colombia - Pope John Paul II is being reborn in a Colombian comic book as a superhero battling evil with an anti-devil cape and special chastity pants.

The first episode of the “Incredible Popeman” is about to go on sale in Colombia and shows the late Polish pontiff meeting comic book legends such as Batman and Superman to learn how to use superpowers to battle Satan.


Special chastity pants?

Urr..., You better watch out, you better not cry, the Incredible Popeman is coming to town..., You better not think about pre-martial sex, you ....

:shock: :lol: :?
Yeah, I heard about this one.

Actually, if you have incredible swamis, shamans and stuff in comic books, so it was only a matter of time before someone sought to "adopt" the Pope.

The fact that it is going on sale right now is however rather droll.

But meh, it's in Colombia, so who cares?
Anyone saw the movie Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?

It totally rules. Too bad I was too drunk at the time to pay enough attention, and I don't rememer shit from it anymore.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...
Wooz said:
Anyone saw the movie Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?
Haven't seen, but sounds like something I would really love to see.

Shadowbird said:
There're bound to be some pissed of catholics around the world... :twisted:

I'm not that much of a catholic, but I'm rather pissed off:/ This rulles not.
Wonder, if it's church using popculture to become popular or popculture using church to remain popular...
Or, it's just popculture using church to crack a few jokes.
Yeah, Luke is right.

I don't find it funny and simply won't buy it, that's it. Although I wouldn't cry if the creator of this one had a fatal accident :evil: (j/k, I really don't give a damn.)

I look forward to the comic book-burning parties throughout major Polish cities.
I thought Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter was and awesome movie.

As for Incredible Popeman, maybe he and Zombie Lenin can duke it out atop the Eiffel Tower.